Chapter 52


< 8 hours later >


It was finally the day that the summit would take place. As we all woke up and finished our morning training, we took a quick shower before we were told to report back to Alpha Derek.

I scratched the back of my head in frustration as I saw how Noah and Liam were taking too long to get changed.

"Hey! Hey! Hurry up guys! We'll be scolded again!" I knocked aggressively on the door.

"I've already mindlinked them, but they're not responding," Jojo sighs beside me, "I forgot, aren't they nemesis or something? Is it really alright for them to be in the same room?"

"It's too late anyway."

What the hell is this guy taking so long for? Reaching the limit of my patience, I didn't have any choice but to knock the door down. However, it did take two tries to get it since the door was heavily built.

Both Jojo and I gasped at the scene in front of us.