Heaven or Hell


"Let’s go then!" I didn't know if I should take her words seriously or not. I was scared for her being so carefree, but she was like running for her life in a way. I can't really tell what for sure. But she was so eager to be out of here.

"Any spots you’d usually go to?"I asked as we started to head out of the parking area. I noticed she was too busy looking back and around. She was troubled about something, but I cannot ask without sounding nosy. She did mention she had to flee for her life.

"Oh my God!" She covered her face with her purse when she saw a group of three men, one in a suit and two in a uniform like hers, bustling around looking for something or maybe someone. The man in a suit looked around my age, with a big beer belly, his clothes might even burst with how he is too furiously moving and looking around. I guess looking for Tori.