"Hey, why didn’t you wait for me?" Gio asked against her lips as he stepped between her legs. He heard Theresa – a mostly naked Theresa, his

peripheral vision informed him – call his name, but he didn’t pay her any attention, he wasn’t stupid.

"I needed caffeine." Danica gratefully accepted the plate of food Michey handed her. Gio frowned when Michey didn’t present him with a plate of his


"You don’t have to start running round after her just because she’s officially your Alpha female," Lindy told Michey.

Gio groaned. The woman never let up.

Unable to resist needling her, Danica said, "You know, Lindy, you and I will get on a whole lot better once you accept that I’m a goddess."

At that moment Donny entered and, obviously having heard her comment, bowed to her. "Oh beautiful goddess, how may I serve thee?" Gio slapped him lightly over the head.