Episode 22


"Billy and the rest are back" she states, her breath still unsteady.

"What?!" Winter and I screamed at the same time.

"But they were taken, how come?" My eyes burst wide open in shock.

"Follow me" Heedah ordered as she leads the way.

It was in the detention room, she opened the door and to my surprise, there was no Billy or the others that were taken, just Anna, she stared at me shocked and I stared at Heedah.

Firstly she shut the door and bolted it, then turned to us.

"Well sorry guys, there’s no Billy, I’m sorry I needed all of you to actually come together and this is the only way to do it"

"Heedah! Are you crazy?" I screeched at her.

"I’m sorry, but we need to actually come together to know what’s going on lots…" a knock interrupted her, she smiled and unbolted the door, Daniel and Jasper rushed in.

Great, just great.

"Where are they?" Jasper asked staring around anxiously.