Episode 27


"Get into the car anna, Don't make me repeat myself," He said with authority.

"No I won't Karl, don't make me repeat myself." I mimic him sticking my tongue out, he rolls his eyes and he steps down from the car, my heartbeat increases.

" Do you want to cause a scene in front of your mum?, cause you should know me better now, bluffing is the last thing I do." he walked closer to me.

"If you come any closer I'd scream" I warn him as I step backward.

"And it looks like I care about That?" He smirks and I swallow hard.

"I will come with you!" I glare at him but reduce my voice, the last thing I needed right now is Karl's alarming mum.

"Good" he watched me as I pulled the car knob and stepped inside Reluctantly, Karl rolled his eyes and turned over to the driver seat.