Episode 44

Episode 44

{Little anna's pov}. (Emily)

Mum has always tugged Edna and I into our bedsheet tightly before putting off the light and giving us soft kisses on our forehead.

"Off to dizzy land" she smiled, mum has always had an obsession with red outfits, she was pale tonight and I had no idea why.

She closed the door behind us as she left the small room my twin sister and I shared.

"Crystals said them monster will come tonight" Edna turns towards my direction in fear still clutching her bedsheet,

"How would she know that? She just went into the basement once, that's before her brother Karl came to take her." I responded trying not to show any signs of weakness, Dad has always told me to be strong for both Edna and my pack, I thought that was alpha's job.

"But, i can't sleep I'm scared, I wish Dad was here?" Edna curled herself on the bed staring out of the window in front of us.