"Can I move out?" I stood up and stared at my father who was now smiling, looking at my brothers as if that was the beautiful view for him.

His eyes met me. "Are you done?"

"Yes, father." I forced myself to speak in a low tone.

"Me, too. Can I go? I have readings, father." Raiden stood up and looked at our father, too.

"Okay." King Oswald grabbed our papers. A smile formed on his lips when he checked our answers by just reading it. "Good job." He tapped my shoulder, next was Raiden.

"Thank you, Father." Raiden gave him a small smile before turning his back.

King Oswald looked at me with the question in his eyes. 'How about you? What will you say?'

I blew a harsh sighed before I forced my mouth to open and say a word. "Thank you, Father."