~Love rescues~

Chapter 3

~Love rescues~

"What the hell are you doing?" asked Brian as he squatted to Kate, swirled to Tony and sent him a dazing punch on the face that left him staggering.

Quickly like a bat from hell, Tony picked up his cloths and ran away.

"Oh laughing doll" he exclaimed as he put his ears to her chest, only to perceive the exudate of wine in her breath.

Tony had gotten her drunk or what; he thought.

He hastened into the bathroom, turned on the shower and returned to lift her. She had no pounds until now he tried lifting her into the bath. She had struggle breathing, with a running temperature.

"What did he do to you?" he asked her, tapping her on the chin.

She coughed furiously upon being showered and let repeated sneezing.

"Kate, Kate," Brian called, scared about the shower putting life into her or exacerbating the whole thing. A slight tap on the cheeks, her eyes rolled with the interest of closing back soon.