"So he's really dead..." Vittore asked me as he scrolled over the pictures I'd shown him of Matteo's last moments.

"Dead as a doornail. If it makes you feel better, he cried and begged," I said as he passed over the phone to me.

We'd both taken showers and had on clothes from the motel's lost and found. We'd thrown out and brunt the others along with anything that had Vittore's blood on it. He now rested on the bed's headboard, looking extremely pale and tired.

"We'll leave in the morning. Lie down and get some rest," I encouraged, standing up and walking over o where he was.

"No I-"

"You nothing you bloody Italian. You're going to sleep and that's final. I'll keep watch for now."

"I don't want to leave you awake," Vittore mumbled as I guided him down into the covers and pulled the sheets over him, up to his chin.

"I'll be fine," I said with a roll of my eyes. "I'm a big girl plus... you need the sleep."