The sun couldn't set fast enough.

I was sitting on the balcony, the first time I was utilizing these extremely comfy couches and staring out at the city. I was dressed head to toe in black, my hair in a tight ponytail with my bangs still resting on my forehead.

The sky was bathed on red and orange, the sun just beginning its descent.

It was all going down tonight. I'd see my parents, get my revenge and also get justice for Faye's murder. God I missed her so much. Now more than ever. I bet she would be giving me a whole heart warming speech right now.

"Staring at the sun won't make it set faster."

"I know that but I have to try right?" I said softly as Vittore settled down on the seat next to me, pulling me to his side.

"Why do I feel like we're fucked?" I mumbled softly.

"We aren't. The plan is perfect," Vittore reassured me, using his fingers to draw circles on my arm.

"How do you know?" I asked unconvinced.