Chapter 18- Training II

Kiyoshi agrees after looking at himself and rushes back to his room, While Yuki returns to the council members' building. "Thanks for today Yuki, Hope to see you soon." Kiyoshi greets him before leaving, While making his way back to his dorm room, He kept on thinking about that morning practice, and while questioning himself about certain things he looks at his hands. The vision of the flower disappearing comes into his mind which makes him chuckle and that gets him more motivated than ever to catch the flower. After a few minutes, he reaches his dorm room, Opening the door his eyes automatically look at the time and he breathes a sigh of relief after knowing that he still has good thirty minutes to get ready. "Okay, I exactly have thirty minutes." with that he grabs his towel before going to the bathroom to have a shower.

Tossing his dirty clothes from that morning and he went to take a quick shower. The cold water gives his body a soothing feeling but he needed his body to feel relaxed after the tough morning. He changes the temperature of the water to be warmer, The hot water started to create steam in the bathroom. His brown hairs shined after washing them. Finally coming out of the shower he again looks at the time and is happy to see that he has twenty minutes, He walked over to his cupboard where his uniform was safely placed.

"I wonder what things could be changed." he says while taking a closer look at his uniform, Without wasting any other minutes he changed into his uniform but still having some time left he decides to see Saski, quickly grabbing his bag before dashing out of his room, "Saski?" he says looking over to where he was standing and Saski who was looking his door replies with a cheerful attitude "Oh Hey Kiyoshi, I was coming to get you only but it looks like you are already ready." he says while walking towards Kiyoshi but it looked like he wasn't even paying attention to what Saski was saying as he's too busy looking at Saski's uniform. "Woah Okay, I guess now I get it when you said adding elements to the uniform." Kiyoshi says while having a closer look at Saski's uniform but then he corrected him by saying, "This is not what uniform with added elements, Students are allowed to wear that after their awakening process has been done." He says "Awakening process?" Kiyoshi asks as they both started to make their way to the "Clove Hall."

Clove Hall is the hall where all the first-year students have their classes. Last year The classes were cut short because of the death of the teacher who taught them. Kiyoshi asks Saski once again about the awakening process and this time Saski replies by explaining what exactly it means. "See Kiyoshi, After the basics are taught to a student and." Saski stops abruptly as he proceeds with a question "Kiyoshi, has Yuki given you some task of catching a flower? or something like that?" Kiyoshi tells him that today morning they did the exact same thing and also goes on to tell him that he couldn't even get near the flower without it vanishing.

He then tells him that he'll only be able to catch the flower if he has Dark energy flowing through his body. Kiyoshi look's confused as to how having Dark energy within him will work and asks Saski if he's already done it. "Yes, I was able to catch the flower-like around last week." Kiyoshi looks surprised and asked him how he'd done it. "My training alone side that was what played the trick. Teaching me how to control my emotions and to combine them with negative emotions or energy is how Dark energy is generated. Most importantly the techniques which are taught to us help us use the Dark energy properly." Kiyoshi looks intrigued by this and then suddenly wondered that Saski still hadn't told him about the Awakening process and asks him for the hundredth time. "Shoot yeah, the Awakening process is when you already have learned everything related to The Dark energy. It is a process to awaken your cursed ability. It is done by triggering your deepest and darkest fears which will then reach a point where your cursed ability takes action. At first, your power and ability will be a bit messy but with time and also learning how to control it will be taught afterward." Saski finishes right when they both enter Clove Hall.

Just as they enter Saski tells Kiyoshi what all he's required to do in the class and right now he has to wait for the teacher. Saski quickly leaves for the class whereas Kiyoshi waited for the teacher to arrive. Soon Saski entered the class and after a few minutes, the teacher also enters the class, Each and every student gets up and bowed to show their respect. "Good morning class, We have a new student who will be joining us." as he says that he looked towards the door and everyone's gaze followed.

Kiyoshi enters the class and all the students look at him except one of the male students who just didn't seem to care. He enters and stands next to the teacher, "Good morning everyone, I am Kiyoshi Kaneko and I'll be looking forward to meeting you all." As Kiyoshi finishes he bows down to the students. The teacher then introduced himself, "Good morning Kiyoshi, My name is Arta Fatui and I'll be teaching you this year." Kiyoshi smiles before returning to his seat right next to Saski, however, the teacher isn't done yet he has another announcement to make, "Class attention, As you all know about the change in The Dark Mafia's working which accordingly affects us, So Miss Arai has decided to suspended these classes but they will continue till next month." All the students looked very excited after hearing this and Kiyoshi even heard one of them saying "That means more tasks will be given to us?" The teacher once again gets their attention and begins with the first class of the day.


"Ah it was a really good day but as I already told you I have some questions." He says to Saski while they both were grabbing their lunch, "Okay sure, Ask me anything I'll try my best to answer." he replies, and without wasting any time Kiyoshi starts with his questions, "First of all, Why do we have six students in the class?" Saski takes a second before replying "That's because there are only seven first-year students in total." Kiyoshi nodded and proceeded to ask the final question. "Our teacher was he one of the council members?" Kiyoshi asks and Saski says "Bingo." then Kiyoshi continues, "Then why is he teaching?" Saski laughs and clarifies that he is the smartest and the leader of The Agency Tech wanted the students to not fall behind in their studies.

Kiyoshi wondered whom he'll be meeting this evening for a practice and they both proceeded to have their early lunch and talked through their time there. Soon they both get done with their lunch and leave for their room so that they can get some rest. Making their way back from the dining area to the room they talk about some other things.

Soon they both reach their respective rooms, "See you soon, Kiyoshi?" Saski says while trying to unlock his room, "Sure, see you soon." Kiyoshi replies with a smile before they both enter their rooms. As soon as Kiyoshi enters his room, He quickly changes his clothes and sits down on his study desk before grabbing a paper and a pencil to scribble something on that piece of paper. As soon as he's done, Kiyoshi gets up and straightway lays down on his bed facing the fan, slowly but steadily his eyes began to feel heavy and he found himself dozing off. Having a sweet dream makes him look like an angel in real life, Suddenly his sleep was interrupted by someone knocking at the door. Kiyoshi quietly get up from his bed rubbing his eyes not sure if the knock he heard was real or just in his head, He decided to still check the door.

He proceeded to open the door still yawning and is surprised upon finding that it was Yuki who knocked. "Oh! Hey Yuki." Kiyoshi says while rubbing his eyes, Yuki smiles and tells him to quickly get ready as it is time to practice. Kiyoshi called Yuki inside and asked Yuki to give him a few minutes and Kiyoshi rushes to the bathroom to get changed. When Kiyoshi returned he asked Yuki where they were going to practice but before he could finish Yuki says, "Kiyoshi your room is more than done. It's already better than Saski's room." Kiyoshi laughingly says that Saski also helped him and then he again asks, "Yuki by the way, Who is that we are meeting and I'll be training under?" Yuki smiles and says "Someone special."