Chapter 20- Training IV

Kiyoshi stops for a second and thinks about it but then he finally agrees, Yuki helps him get change into dry clothes, "As of now, You should just rest." Yuki says while taking Kiyoshi to his room, A very tired Kiyoshi could just nod his head in agreement. Yuki smiles and takes him to his dorm room before leaving him he reminds him, "Tomorrow morning at Five." As he leaves, Kiyoshi knocked at Saski's door and as he opened the door, Kiyoshi said, "I am hecking drained, Is it going to be like this?" Saski laughs as he corrected him, "It will be worse."

"Wow.." he replied as the door closes.


Day- I

"Your thirty minutes starts now." He says and with that Kiyoshi dashes inside the forest, Making sure that he looked around for the flower. He runs deeper into the forest in search of that flower and finally after fifteen minutes of search he finds it, "I just need to get near it!" He says not paying attention to the swamp around it, As soon as he steps in the water he notices that it's a wet land consisting of saturated soils but he still decides to go through with the difficulties to get the flower, He makes a plan to take help from the trees near the flower to get close to it. He starts to hold on the tress around but at some point he slips and falls in the water to recover he holds on to the tree near him but when he moves his leg he notices that he can't, soon his left and then right hand are tied to the tree and the roots of the trees prevent him from moving. The more he tried the more strength was put on by the roots to hold him. Soon he realizes that the trees around the swamp are slowly drowning or getting eaten by the swamp, He tries his best to free himself but to no avail, as a last resort to get himself out of there he starts to shout but it also didn't help him in anyway. Soon the water level reached his knees and slowly rising with time. With no time the water level reaches him stomach and he tries everything within his power to free himself but still nothing works, The flowers starts to glitch and changes it place but appearing close to it's last position. The flower continues to dissappear and then reappear. Kiyoshi's scream could be heard around the swamp but the scream couldn't reach far enough for someone to help him. By now the water level reached his neck and it slowly rises with time. The flower continues to glitch and the ground continues to take in the trees above it, The water soon reached his face and slowly reaches his nose. Kiyoshi does everything to keep his head above the water but not for long he holds his breath and as the trees continue to go down he loses all hope for him to be saved. Suddenly he feels the water all gone and he falls to the ground with a lod thud, He opens his eyes and sees Yuki standing infront of him. "Yuki!" He exclaims with joy and then he finally noticed that he was back to the position from where he started, "What?! How is this possible." he says under his breath. Yuki asks him about his experience and Kiyoshi starts to dictate everything that took place in that forest. After five minutes of listening to the story Yuki gives him a half smile before telling him, "The flower does such things to protect itself." leaving Kiyoshi in shock, "The Flo-wer?" He says hesitantly. "Yes, creating sure scenarios to trap the person who's after the flower."



"Okay, Go!"




"You got thirty minutes, Go!"

Day- V


Day- VI


Day- VII

"The time start, Now!"

Day after day the practices goes on making Kiyoshi's physical strong. Daily he returns, taking one step closer to his victory and also the practice to boost his Dark Energy keeps him going. Everyday something new is done by the flower and something different is faced by Kiyoshi. The days feel like nothing to him the practice makes him more determined to work hard. As the days goes on catching the flower becomes even more difficult. As Yuki said they replaced the training under the waterfall with watching different movies together.


Yuki and Kiyoshi both decide to watch a horror movie, "Okay let's see how long it takes for you to lose." Yuki says but Kiyoshi who was confident was sure that he'd pass it but as always this training exceeded his expectations which ended in him getting the punishment for 1 hour 30 minutes on the Day-I of training and the reports of him being punished through out the week of their training-

Day- II 1 hour 30 minutes

Day- III 1 hour 20 minutes

Day- IV 1 hour 10 minutes

Day- V 1 hour 10 minutes

Day- VI 1 hour 20 minutes

Day- VII 50 minutes

The time he had to sit under to waterfall reduced with time.

Their practice together on boosting Kiyoshi's Dark energy was estimated for 3 weeks and the the management thought Kiyoshi would take at least three weeks to successfully pass that training but surprisingly for everyone in The Agency Tech, Kiyoshi ended up finishing his training by the end of second week. The progress he makes is faster than anyone had thought it to.

Yuki continues to teach him some complex fighting moves and Kiyoshi continues to learn them quickly, After Nozomi had cut short the time in the Agency's classes it gave both Yuki and Kiyoshi and all the other students a great advantage which was time. Yuki teaches him some important things related to The Agency Tech and as well as The Dark Mafia. The practice they both had in the morning sure did get harder Day by day but Kiyoshi who was getting one step closer to his Dark energy made it possible for him to fight every situation. Each and every day he had to run through the forest looking for the flower and returning empty handed wasn't easy for him.


"Let's see today your time under the waterfall fall." Yuki says and Kiyoshi nervously chuckles looking at him also givinghim 'the looks'. Soon the movie starts to play and Yuki's Dark energy also starts to manipulate his subconscious mind, It was a comedy movie which made it hard for Kiyoshi to keep his cool also his subconscious mind being manipulate was just the cherry on top. But surprisingly he managed to drop his record by only showing his emotions two times, "You sure are the fastest learner we've every had." Yuki says before they both head back to waterfall for Kiyoshi to take his punishment. With his power to control his emotions being increased day by day also made them one step closer to Kiyoshi mastering this technique. Leaving before his sunrise and returning after the moon had awaken, He was giving his best to learn everything he could.

In the evening Kiyoshi was training under Tofu who also taught him everything day by day possible, to help him in a fight, Soon Kiyoshi learned every basic taught to him. "You are very good at learning techniques." Tofu said one day after Kiyoshi was asked to show what they had done the previous day and he replied by thanking him. "You've already learned everything basic, practice that on me now." Tofu says before taking his sword and smiling at Kiyoshi. He accepts and takes his sword to fight him. The fights begins with Kiyoshi trying hard to defeat Tofu but ended up losing to him. "You just need to increase your speed and make your moves sharp." He says as Kiyoshi gets up from the ground and says, "Once more." Tofu gives him a half-smile and takes his position before they both again start with their practice battle. Tofu gives Kiyoshi some openings for him to attack him and so Kiyoshi does which are easily blocked by Tofu again the fight was worth watching but Kiyoshi again ends up defeated on the ground. Tofu smiles and says, "One more?" He chuckles and gets up before replying "Sure."

The practices with Tofu also goes on along side with Yuki's. After two weeks of practicing with Tofu, He is now able to give him a good competition in the fights. On the last day of the second week's practice Kiyoshi executed some unexpected moves which even surprises Tofu. "Let's see who'll win today." Tofu says before Kiyoshi attacks him in all the different ways and with his full strength leaving Tofu happy that his teachings were actually helpful. Tofu also fights Kiyoshi with some strength as using all his strength would result in Kiyoshi's defeat within two seconds.

Tofu sure lacked the muscular physique but his technique were the best in the whole Agency Tech and defeating someone like him sure was a great achievement to have.