“ . Uhmm nah ! It’s nothing much “ , She again waved me off spiking my curiosity more . Apart of me wanted to know what she was going to say , one part in me held up a hope that maybe she was referring to something l desperately wanted so badly to tell her and then be okay with it .

  “ Xenia ple …… “ , I went to ask her further but soon trailed off in mid sentence when Axel all of the sudden walked back in the lounge room and took a seat next to me before reaching over the table and picked up his yogurt . “ Oh ! God having him bear me made a blush to quickly creep all the way my face and not to make it seen , l ran my hand over my face.

  “ So are you girls excited for tomorrow ? “ , Axel asked casually after spooning his yogurt in his mouth . As he did eat his yogurt , l felt my eyes lock on go his tongue as he licked the spoon clean. “ Uhmm…… . “ , I pressed my legs more tighter , recalling where that tongue had been earlier .