Chapter Fourteen

  After what seemed like forever, Sebastian calmed down a little. His eyes were puffy as a result of the tears shed. Vanessa wiped his tears with some tissue paper she got from her nightstand. Then she handed him a glass of water which he refused.

  Vanessa took her son's hands in hers. "You can tell me everything now." She persuaded.

  "I messed up Mom, I fucked up really bad." He said. Vanessa nodded, encouraging him to continue.

  "I met Jayda five weeks ago, we met in a bar and ended up having a one night stand. She was different. I felt with her things I never felt for anyone; not even Susan who I thought was going to be the mother of my children."

  "After that night I was cold to her, we had a fight the next morning. Up till today, a day has never passed that I haven't thought about her. Caleb advised me to go after her, apologize and make it up to her but I refused because I convinced myself that she was just like Susan."