Chapter Nine

  Annie came out of her bathroom in a short pyjamas dress; she reached for her phone on the nightstand. There was an incoming call from Ella, her best friend.

  “Hey!” She said, taking a seat on her bed.

  Hi babe,” Ella replied cheerfully.

  “You sound so happy today,” Annie asked suspiciously.

  “Guess who I ran into today at the office?”


  “Your baby daddy” Ella giggled, making Annie groan.

  “He came to see Dylan. He was looking so handsome, Annie. I was opportuned to talk to him. Dylan kind of introduced me to him and we chatted for a while. I almost died Ann. I still can’t believe I not only saw him but we talked.”

  “Annie? Are you there?” Ella asked after a while.

  “Yeah. I’m listening. I hope you didn’t tell him about me.”

  “I almost did but I didn’t.”

  “Damn you’re so lucky Ann. If your baby is a boy, he will be just as handsome as his dad.”

  “He had lunch delivered to me today.” She opened up to her.