The Nomads

Four days later, Razwold slowly opens his eyes. His vision is very blurry and he is too weak to stand up. He is feeling cold. "Did I die?" Razwold asked himself in his thought. He tries to look around but his vision is also blurry, not to mention that his sense of hearing is also blurry.

There is a strange noise and it is nearby. Razwold swears that those noise are words. He cannot hear clearly what the noise said. It is like his ears are plugged with something. One thing is certain, there is movement. The ground is violently shaking. The surface is fluffy and dirty.

Razwold looks around again and sees someone to his right. Though blurry but the distinct shape of a battle-axe can be seen. This person is a warrior. Razwold opens his mouth and tries to call for that person. That person responded, "Oh this bloody grorov, this monleg has awoken."

A few hours later, Razwold's senses has returned to normal and sees where he is. A carriage carrying healroots with three dwarves sitting on the planks. One dwarf with a ginger beard said, "Seems you have recovered now, monleg." The other dwarf with the black beard said, "If we ain't nearby, you could be one of those dirty droggs."

Razwold vividly remembers his memory of being scratched by the Manticore. "What happened with that beast?" Razwold asked with concerned eyes. The dwarves are surprised and the one with the braided beard said, "Didn't you crush that monster's brains like a thomanik uri?"

"We found you next to that beast, all weak and dying. We had to use our own narja to patch your nasty wounds. Can't believe you have lived to tell the tall, monleg." The dwarf with the ginger beard said with their arms crossed. Razwold is grateful and expressed his thanks to the kind, roughly looking dwarves.

"By the way, where am I?" Razwold asked. The dwarves looks among themselves and answered altogether, "How should we know?" Razwold is surprised. They have no idea where they are. The dwarf with the black beard looks outside for a moment and said, "We're on the bloody mountains monleg. Happy now?" Razwold is quite disappointed but finds it interesting. He asked for the dwarves' identity. The one with the ginger beard answered first.

"The name is Ornzar Blozwatan. My job is to watch over this narja supplies." The one with the black beard answered next. "I'm Tauk Gikburth, and I am a soldier protecting this smelly caravan." The last dwarf with the white beard introduces themselves. "I'm Strawberry Pie." Razwold coughs when Strawberry introduces themselves. Who in the hell named their child Strawberry Pie?

Ornzar said, "We have others who travels with us to this atur kvann mond. But right now you are not well rested. You better stay still until you recovered your strength." Razwold feels happy now that he got the chance to meet new people that he can talk to. Those months of survival in the desert payed off a great reward. He lies down and peacefully sleeps for one day.