Parting Ways To Fight

"——. Here, I've brought a grimoire! This will be useful for you. This one is a bit thick and expensive, so take care of it!"

Meeting in front of the inn, Marcus, Belial, and Kinoko only spared the time to see Kinoko off as she leaves Belial with a small gift.

[Kinoko]: "Although I'd love to go with you, I must look for the others first, now that I'd found you. They'll be overjoyed once they hear of the news and come running back!"

Kinoko was enthusiastic about their reunion, she was excited to share the news with her comrades, and looking to reunite with them and return to their lord was the obvious route.

[Marcus]: "Are you sure she won't get caught?"

Although he was always thrown off by her quirky attitude towards Belial, he was worried that a demon like her would get caught by the heroes.

[Kinoko]: "Ah, don't worry. There are no heroes in this Kingdom. The one that I was trying to look out for suddenly disappeared in the north."