A Beautiful Disaster

[Marcus]: "A descendant? Based on what you just told me, it never sounded like you had a son."

Finishing over their meal, the fire began to weaken, only keeping them warm and lit enough to sleep in their sleeping bags.

Both of them faced the clear skies through the holes and gaps of the leaves of the trees, moving constantly as the breeze shakes them by.

[Belial]: "It's a complicated cause but... I... never mind. Sleep now, halfling. That's enough bedtime stories."

Turning away, Belial tried to slip away from the phrase that was yet to be understood from the context, but as he used the word 'complex' in talks of descendants, it must have been a girl, a human, at most.

It was even known for Demons that most of their women get pregnant when they're above a hundred years old, and for him to have descendants that are aged 18 years old, he must have had a woman a year before the war.

[Marcus]: "Wait, that means you had a human bride?"