Five hundred and thirty years ago, on earth. In the middle of climate shifting. Cities turning into ice and snow, Sahara turning into cropped fields and new epidemics spreading. Humans, like usual, found it as the perfect opportunity for a global war to break; But at last, nature had the upper hand, and no country was able to handle the fast-changing pace of the face of the globe, so, the war ended.

Because of the two catastrophes, less than twenty-three percent of humanity remained, and they had to accommodate to the new natural division. The new order has risen.

Three major nations were rebuilt "NOR HARAV" on the south where there is most of the desert now. "ARARAT" in the east where what was once a desert, flourished from cropped fields to even forests after five hundred years, lastly "ZHAYRR" taking what was North Africa and southern Europe as land.

The rest? There is no rest; this is all what's left of humanity condensed in these three territories! Moreover, to protect them from the "wild" 'so they said' they built giant walls and restricted the access to the rest of the planet.

It actually worked, as absurd as it might seem, people were craving the safety of these walls and the new rules after all they have experienced.

There were no presidents only councils of thirteen people in each territory referred to as the "Council of thirteen" and at the head the council of the Elders. Five weren't known to the public and six composed of the heads of the oldest and wealthiest families in the sectors, finally one seat given to the public, anyone who could rise in power and could bring a change in the three sectors could win the seat with the power and the immunity that comes with it.

The new order didn't only bring those major nations to existence it also created new entities that became feared by nations as they grew stronger such as sects. But one of them was at the top of the list since it was specialized in assassination "UKHTY"!!