Chapter 3

After Nina finishes her business that the kids don't deserve to see, she starts sorting through the clothes in her wardrobe.

However, until then, he seemed doubtful after much thought, after all as a pure ex-man, he felt uncomfortable if he had to wear various women's clothes in front of him.

Then don't wear it!

Her problem, just imagine if she doesn't wear these important accessories, some of her assets will be slightly visible, then what happens if Nina meets a striped-nosed classmate?

Imagining her alone had already made her entire back goosebumps.

Reluctantly she was forced to choose some simple clothes such as jeans and t-shirts that could be rather loose, although it felt uncomfortable, it was better than using mini skirts and other feminine clothes.

As agreed with his best friend earlier, they planned to go to school together, waiting at least 2 minutes in front of the Women's Dormitory, he finally began to see his best friend walking from a distance.

Seeing the expression of his best friend who still hadn't softened since the incident, he grieved for the fate of some of those poor boys.

Hope High School 01, is one of the best schools that cultivates super students from various circles, to enter this school alone requires at least B-level talent, it may sound unfair, but even in her previous life, to Nina, the value of justice is as thin as a thread of clothing, let alone in a world where this speaking power.

After all talent wasn't a yardstick for entering some renowned school, if he had to decipher it, it would be 70% talent, 10% hard work, and the rest was a strong Family behind his back.

Walking hand in hand with her best friend, Nina became the center of attention of the students around her, not even a few of them who revealed the expression of prayer on her face.

"Look, Nina looks prettier this morning."

The whisper of a student who had accidentally heard it, made Nina feel amused on her back.

Ding... One felt angry and envious of the Host's talent, earning 80 Emotional Points.

Ding... One feels envious of the beauty of the Host, earn 90 Emotional Points.

A barrage of ringing systems rang from inside his head, as he passed through a crowd of students gossiping around him.

The attribute panel that only appeared on itself was visible from the corner of his eye, was hologram-shaped, and slightly transparent, in no way interfering with Nina's vision.

Name: Nina

Talent: S (Telekinesis, Mutation)

Level: 20+

Power: 60+

Agility: 70+

Vitality: 85+

Durability: 50+

Mana: 110 +

Emotional Points: 500 Points.

Looking at the Stats herself, Nina sighed, with her heart feeling heavy. After several experiments conducted by him earlier, he knew the function of the system attached to his head, simple, namely with emotional points he could add some body statistics, 100 points for body statistics, and 1000 points for the level. After several experiments he found that the Emotional Points needed were getting bigger to upgrade the statistics on a scaled basis.

"Forget it, though it doesn't challenge the sky like in the novels next door, at least, it has a system" Comforts Nina to herself.

Then when he stopped distracting himself from his attribute panel, he realized that the little woman next to him was no longer in place.

Stopping her steps, Nina then saw her little friend who was left behind, seen she was staring at someone.

Then as his gaze followed in the direction the little woman saw, he saw a man with a thin-looking body.

According to his old memory, the man named Malvic, a famous waste figure in this school, it is said, although his talent is also at S level, he only has a little Mana, which makes him useless, if not for the extended family of his mother he could not even guarantee his future.

But because some of these things also made his father have to part with his mother, he also often heard that this boy's father was a heavy drinker and gambler.

While his relationship with Windi himself is, this boy is one of his best friend's childhood friends.

"Hey don't tell me he's the protagonist here."

Nina's joke recalls the background of this boy named Malvic, very similar to the protagonist's set in some novels.

"Even if he is a Protagonist, as a Transmigator with a system, should I be afraid?"

'Well, but it would be nice not to know each other'

Remembering her carefully, after all as a writer in her previous life, Nina felt a little something with malvic, if she was involved in it, it was expected that many problems would come to her small life.

"Steady, get emotional points, then be the strongest, that way he can guarantee his little life" said Nina's motto from the heart.

But unfortunately, Nina also knows that such a thing will not happen to herself, because the system she has is very hypocritical, and voters. Although the name is Emotional System, but this system is more suitable to be called the criminal system, because the system only chooses Negative Emotions only.

'Let's think slowly'

Then looking at his best friend who was still calmly staring at Malvic, he chose to lift his legs, it was impossible who could bear to see the sight of a beautiful woman who fell in love with a human who never even knew her name!

As a man, he felt very depressed.

"I'm here waiting for you, while you're there waiting for her," quipped Nina, who began to disappear from the crowd.


Ps: Thankfully, the doctor's beautiful sister said that I was not affected by covid, after taking the medicine prescribed by him, at least now my condition is getting better. ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ