chapter 6

The next day, Nina and her best friend Windi are seen discussing some little things in the front bench of the class.

"Little cow, did you know yesterday that your little girlfriend is injured, it seems like in this test of the fight, she's going to struggle."

"Bah... Who's a little girlfriend, we're just a friend okay" said Windi with a slightly flushed face.

"Hohoho, is that so?, since when did you two become friends?, by the way it wasn't him forgetting you"

"What nonsense are you saying, let's get into class," she said without a second nina, she immediately pulled her hand into the classroom.

After Nina obtained a comfortable seat, she began to look around the class, noticing the genius genius who was still in her infancy. The most striking is the white man sitting at the front desk, according to his memory the man named Limo, has a good background, making him break through level 23 at his current age.

Moreover on his right was also a Woman with cold tempers that filled his body, he was also at Level 23. And there are still many students who he can't score one by one. Although the number of students here was only around the Twenties, but most were indeed certain geniuses.

Of the 20 students, 6 students with S strength and the rest only A and B, actually for a renowned school, Six is not too many.

Tired of seeing the students here, turned to see Windi reading a book while stealing a glance at Malvic. Nina who doesn't know what to do while waiting for the school bell chooses to look for something in the desk drawer.

As the drawer opened, a pile of white letters was strewn across the floor, making Nina's face a little strange.

Then he tried to open a letter.

"Oh it turns out to be a love letter," he said, which was deliberately heard by some friends.

'How happy it is to be a young boy, just relying on letters to be in love, look at us adults it takes a lot of money, a car and even a house'. Then he put the pile of love letters back in place.

Closing the drawer, Nina deliberately hardened her voice slightly "about who sent this love letter?" He asked as he looked at the faces of some of the embarrassed men in class.

To be honest he wasn't interested in a man's relationship like this, but seeing the figure sitting in the front row lower his head, he became a little eager to squeeze her.


That is, if given some small gift such as resources maybe he does not refuse the gift.

But he will always firmly deny that he, a genuine man in his previous life, played love with his ilk?

What's the concept?

However, she also sometimes thinks of something that makes her uncomfortable, namely, what if one day she completely turns into a woman?

Just imagining it made him uncomfortable.

Nina's mind was still wandering around somewhere.

The class bell rang, shortly after which their homeroom teacher Fellina entered the Room with a serious face.

Of course Nina knows what's coming next, but maybe not for some of her friends.

Seeing the group of her students in front, Fellina had a complex expression on her face 'Three Years just passed' sighed her in her heart.

After these three years, perhaps they would be separated, or even forever, because as a warrior of life like a fish harvested at all times, countless geniuses fell from year to year.

As a teacher, he could only wish the best for his students, so that they grow up, and can become pillars of the country.

Stabilize his emotions. Fellina glanced at the class that had long been silent.

"Children as you hear, today, our class holds battle exams as a form of preparation for the upcoming University Entrance Exam"

"In this exam, teacher hopes you expend all the strength you have, so that the teacher can see and correct your shortcomings."

"Please immediately put on your battle clothes, and after that the exam will be carried out in the field," he said then Fellina left the room.

Leaving some shock from classmates who felt that this exam was too sudden.

Don't blame her, it's actually an impromptu test, if Fellina doesn't feel sorry for Nina, maybe she didn't tell him either.

Seeing some classmates who started going to the dressing room, remembering the women's locker room, Nina felt impatient to go to heaven, but before that she had to use her 2000 Emotional Point. Although it feels tight in the heart, he still has to immediately add some unpleasant statistics in view.

Name: Nina

Talent: S (Telekinesis, Mutation)

Level: 21+

Power: 60+

Agility: 70+

Vitality: 85+

Durability: 70+

Mana: 110 +

Emotional Points: 0 Points.

Looking at her stats especially the Durability section which was previously only 50, Nina had a feeling of happiness that made her feel like she wanted to behave badly and earn a lot of Points, but she had to hold back huh.

Speaking of his mutated Telekinesis, in fact it was more or less similar to Nagato's abilities in the Naruto Anime, which made him almost immune to physical attacks and energy.

ps: to support this book, don't forget to give power stone. Btw maybe tomorrow I'll have an update, because I'm looking for a job, If I have time, I'll try to update. thx