chapter seven

When the new alarm on the side of the bed rung, Alice was already in the shower. Today, she felt rejuvenated, she felt so exited. Prior to the kind of day she had yesterday, she felt calmer.

As she came out of the bathroom she looked at the clock, 7:32, wow, pretty good huh.

At least today she'd be punctual. She wondered what had happened to Emily, whether her hair would have been perfect by a day, well, but basing on how rich spoilt kids always are, they'd be no doubt she'd be spark less.

Alice rolled her hair into a fine band, revealing the beautiful face she had earlier on covered with the many strands of her hair.

She sat in front of her mirror, and did her makeup, perfectly, she always was a goddess at makeup, she knew how to do such things with perfection

She took her shades from the shelf and pulled them into her bag. She stood in front of the mirror, admiring herself.

A bitch just had to compliment herself and not wait on people to do it. Well in fact, she looked stunning.. She had a luminous green hoodie, with purple stripes, a pair of skinny jeans that perfectly embrace her hips. And jomino sneakers, the best model, exactly the same colour as her hoodie.. Her hood covered through her waist, only standing at the beginning of her hips.. She looked perfect.

The alarm rung , as she calmly turned to her bed..she switched it off and put on her lipstick and then picked up her car keys, time for school.." She sighed with a smile...!!

* * * *

As she drove into the parking lot,she noticed something peculiar, the lot was no longer as quiet as it always was, it was in chaos, looked like a crowd of people had gathered somewhere, well she didn't mind..

She drove past the fleet of cars and caught sight of her parking spot.

For a moment , she thought she was lost, or had turned her car the wrong way, but of course, she was never one of missing directions.

On her empty space was a crowd of students, they had gathered in a circle, all their attention arrested by whoever seemed to be addressing them. She stepped on the engine, causing some to sturtle, then,

she slowly got of the car.

Just as soon as she stepped down, the crowd divided revealing whatever it was that made them so confident.

At the corner of the space sat a guy, he sat on a stool, dressed in a purple hood. He was smoking the last piece of his bong, as he threw down the remnats and held in the smoke.

Alice at first wondered what was going on , she wondered why a guy like him would cause so much chaos.

She looked at the smoke escaping his nostrils, the smoke hit her so violently she became turkey and felt that she too needed a smoke. To herself, this boy was not that cute, in fact , he wasn't anywhere near the guys who soon became her idols of attraction.

Everyone stared at her, others giggled, and that's when she caught sight of Emily who seemed to have appeared out of nowhere, she stood at the side of the boy, her arm wrapped around his shoulder, they seemed pretty close..

She filled in the blanks for herself and understood that Emily had come for revenge . She smiled..

Did she come for revenge, or for a good damn cry, she wondered.

She knew herself so damn well, she wasn't up to letting people ruin her day.

She proudly walked up to the two pair, and finally spoke her first words.

Well at least she finally spoke for the first time in her new school,

" Excuse me" she said calmly, " can you both get your lousy asses of my parking space and carry this pack of brainless goats along with you, I gat shit to do!!!"...

Emily seemed to startle at the response, it was the rudest thing anyone had said to her, well not only to her , but the statement was addressed to both her and her boyfriend.

She looked at Alice, unable to drive an appropriate comeback..

The boy stood , pushing Emily's arm of his shoulder, clearly over stoned. He smirked, a big proud smirk, he was the only one that didn't seem shocked about Alice's statement.

He took a step towards Alice, slowly by slowly. People among the crowd tensed, as others began to whisper, " he's gonna do it again, like he did Malia.." A girl whispered in a shaky voice .

Alice didn't move back, she didn't shake, in fact, she was familiar with situations like this. It wasn't the first time she was dealing with lunatics like this boy. She'd felt with worse, far worse, in fact, Alice had once messed with a gang that proved to be out of her league, maybe it was also part of the reason why she accepted moving to chainvile with her aunt..

As the boy soon stood in front of Alice, she couldn't help but smell his Cologne. It wasn't pleasant, it intoxicated her, it was way too concentrated.

She stepped back, trying to get some air.

The boy smirked once more, as he made another step next to Alice.

" you're afraid of me princess, don't be, I'll just drain the fat out of you, maybe then you'd start using the empty space between your ears and understand who you're messing with!" He exclaimed as everyone burst into a burst of united mocking laughter.

Alice just smiled, she didn't feel anyhow offended..." You're damn lucky I'm in a good mood, now empty this minion off my space.." She said cutting the story short and avoiding any scenario.

It was true, she was in a good mood, and when Alice was in a good mood, it was always advisable to keep it that way, she knew herself so damn well.. She wouldn't let her burble burst..not yet...