Getting Situated


"Oh fuck."

What the fuck was that, please don't be something that will kill me on sight. I looked around for a place to hide only to find I was basically sitting in the middle of an extremely large open space with four main entrances to the room. Shit who was that bastard who pushed me into the portal? I swear if I ever find him or her I'm going to beat the shit out of them.

[Answer: You were pushed by a rogue soul, codenamed #919238495A6B]

"Shit who are you!? Why are you in my head!?" I jumped in fright due to the sudden voice.

[Answer: I am the system you crashed into before getting sucked into the portal. I was created by the Omniverse and was going to send out some of the lesser systems to gain their hosts. The rogue soul grabbed both a worthy soul and one of my students, a lesser system. While I would love to continue talking we have trouble coming. I will be taking control of the body temporarily, I am sorry. While I am in control I will begin the assimilation process of your soul and the previous owner of this body's soul. Do not worry, you will still be you.]

"Wait no!" I yelled.

[Beginning Assimilation Protocol: 9928]

[Time till completion: 9D, 23H, 59M, 59S]

"AAAAHHHHH!" I screamed in pain and collapsed on the ground. Before passing out I muttered one last thing.

"Fu..c..k yo..u sys...tem"

[I am sorry host, I can not reproduce as I do not have a body.] The system chuckled as everything faded to black.


(System POV)

Not in the 1096 universal cycles have I ever had a host. I was created to monitor the souls that reincarnate as well as teach lesser systems about how we operate. I have seen similar situations millions of times however who would have thought the moment I shift my focus to the sub process at the learning center for systems, the rogue soul made a move. When my focus was back to my main system a soul was pushed towards me before I could get out of the way. For us systems, we simply need to touch a soul that lacks a system to gain a host. While it certainly isn't foolproof it happens so incredibly rare, that for every ten million rogue soul at most one successfully gets a system. In the time I have served I have seen at the very most 10,000 successful instances.

While these stolen systems are indeed not under the control of others from that point on, they like the rest of us systems, are bound to that host for eternity and the universe they get sent to are often times punished. Well anyways, enough about rogue souls, if anything this can finally bring some excitement to my life after such a long time.


"Ahhgg... Fuck my head hurts. System, can you please tell me why every time I have woken up so far my head has been in excruciating pain?"

[Answer: The first headache was caused by your soul being put into a completely different body. The second headache was caused by a sudden addition of at the very least 60,000,000 years worth of memory, the original souls talents fusing with you, and a small personality change. However this change does not effect much, if anything it makes certain tasks far easier.]

"Well that explains a lot. Hmm, lets come up with a name for you as 'System' isn't that special. Hmmmm...How about Nero or Neo?"

[I will choose the name Nero. Are you sure you want me to change my name? After a name is selected the name can not change.]

"Yea what works for you works for me."

[Very well, name successfully changed to Nero.]

"Can I see my status and the rest of your functions?"

[Very well. My functions include an infinite storage space, capable of storing anything that belongs to you or you are able to hold, Equivalent Exchange, which allows you to convert things into other things with equal value, and others you have yet to unlock. Here is your status.]


[Name: 001]

[Age: 60,273,921]

[Race: Klaxo-Sapien Progenitor]

[Titles: Mother of Life, Race's Origin]

[Talents: Perfect Photographic Memory, Enhanced Strength (Upgradeable), Super Senses (Upgradeable), Inexhaustible Stamina, Fighting (Origin), Creation (Origin), Super Regeneration]

[Passive Skills: Titanium Skin (Upgradeable), Titanium Bones (Upgradeable), Super Enhanced Learning, Flawless Body]

[Status Effects: Mother of Life: 5000% increase to all stats, Race's Origin: 2000% Increase to all stats (10x When last of your race: Inactive)]

[Items: Starter Kit]


[Daily: Exercise! You need it!

Details: 100 Push-ups, 100 Sit-ups, 100 Crunches, 10 Mile run.

Reward: Daily Mystery Chest]

[Optional: Become Whole!

Details: Merge with the former body's owner!

Reward: ???]

[Story: Save the world!

Details: Find a way to save the world without dying! It shouldn't be that hard right?

Reward: ???

Punishment for failure: Death]

"Hey Nero can you please open the starter kit, claim the quest 'Become Whole,' and tell me what happened the past few days while I was out?"

[Starter Kit Opened: Items Received: Talent Stone (Adds new talent of your choice.), Omniversal Map, Max Talent Stone (Maxes any talent of your choice), Outfit Design Token (Rank ???)(Allows user to create an outfit of choice that is unbreakable, autoequipable, and automatically cleans itself)]

[Optional Quest Reward: System Update (Available after Story Quest completed), 2x Legendary Chest.]

[While you were unconscious the man you know as Dr.Franxx arrived as he did in the Anime you watched long ago. To not mess with the timeline that you know of I did the exact same thing as in 'canon.' I then left him on the surface for the humans to receive after he fell unconscious due to blood loss. It has been 5 days since then and no other humans have come to attack.]

"Great, thats just lovely. Now I have an immortal pedo after me. Welp let's do my daily quest requirements then explore when doing the 10 mile run."


[Daily Quest Complete]

"And done. Hey Nero is it possible if I can turn notifications off when completing objectives because the constant ding noise each time I did a push up got annoying very quick?"

[Preference changed]

"Thank you! Also do you think I would be able to explore the surface as I am?"

[No, for multiple reasons. The first being that you can tell you are not human at first glance. The second is that Dr. Franxx knows what you look like and its very possible there are humans on the surface securing this area. Finally it depends on where you want to go, for example if you wanted to go to ruined towns that would be perfectly fine to start exploring the surface after about a month when people start to leave, if they are there. However if you wanted to explore where canon will take place, such as the garden I would recommend you avoid till as late as possible such as the birth of the main characters. Until then please steer clear of any place highly populated with humans.]

"Fair enough, I'll do my daily quests here for a month then and play with some of my abilities."


A month passed relatively quietly, no humans even tried to return, I experimented with my [Creation] ability a ton during these 30 days as I had nothing really that special to do while I was waiting. I got proficient enough to even create new Klaxosaurs that were about the size of an apple. Funnily enough making them bigger is far easier than making them tiny because I need to make cores which are honestly a pain in the ass. The bigger the core is the stronger the Klaxosaur is from what I have experimented with and it doesn't take much difficulty to make because errors are able to be corrected. The tiny cores on the other hand are a honest pain in the ass because if I screw up slightly one of two things happen, the first being the core straight up explodes, and the other failure looks correct however when the body is created it doesn't even work. I assume this is why my original didn't even bother trying to make something smaller than a building. There is one thing about the tiny core Klaxosaurs that makes them better than the giant ones, that being that the sensors the humans have don't work on them. The reason why I know this is because I looted the idiots who thought it was a great idea to come into my cave. Their sensors are amazing though because unless its smaller than a human it will instantly detect my Klaxosaurs from 200 meters away.

"Hey Nero?"


"You said that you can merge chests a while back right?"

[Yup I can. Would you like me to merge then open your daily chests?]

I hummed and nodded as I waited to get my rewards. Over the past few weeks I have gotten a lot closer to Nero and Nero sounds more feminine than robotic like she did in our first week. I found out she has been around for 328.8 quintillion years old, a number so big I can't even imagine it.

[Chests Opened]

[Received: Klaxosaur Transformation

Description: The ability to transform into any Klaxosaur that you have touched.]

[Received: Age-Age Fruit

Description: Most basic form allows you to change the age that you appear as.]

[Received: Mini-Map

Description: Allows you to have a Mini-Map similar to video games. This Map constantly updates showing where things are. Includes: Date and Time, Search, Landmarks, Zoom, and Points of Interest.]

[Automatically fill in places that you know about?]

[Omniversal Map and Mini-Map are resonating, Merge?]


[Omniversal Mini-Map created.

Description: Allows you to have a Mini-Map similar to video games. This Map constantly updates showing where things are. Includes: Date and Time, Search, Landmarks, Zoom, and Points of Interest. Allows you to see which world you are on and allows you fast travel to any world you have visited before]

"Hey Nero, let's go explore!"

Nero chuckled then said [Aye, aye Capitan!]