
[Emergency Quest Complete!

Grade S-

Reward: +1 Upgrade to all Stats, Legendary Chest, Franxx Blueprint (Standard Model).]


Man it feels nice to sleep in a bed again. You probably wouldn't understand how much I miss this. Sleeping on rocks in my cave sucks, I once tried sleeping on one of the Klaxosaurs that lived there with me but noooo most if not all of them were hard as and uncomfortable as the rocks. I tried recreating that one floating squishy one from the anime that if I remember correctly captured Goro inside itself, but honestly I have no idea how to do it. Each time I tried it either ended up exploding, being something like a liquid paste, or just falling apart in a few minutes.

"Hey Nero can you open the Legendary Chest please."

[Legendary Chest Opened: Received: Disguise (Skill allows you to change your appearance)]

[Skills: Disguise, Age-Age Fruit, and Klaxosaur Transformation are resonating, would you wish to merge them?]


[Skill: Omni-Transformation created!

Description: Allows one to seamlessly transform into any living creature you have touched, and edit your appearance however you like.

NOTE: All previous transformations saved. Also this skill is not omnipotent, you do not gain the abilities of the being you wish to transform in unless you have a version of it yourself, and others can still find out your true race with tests such as blood tests.]

Damn thats pretty good! I guess that speeds up my plans of exploring the human stuff. Maybe I will steal some of the technology they have, they might have some cool stuff, OOOH maybe they have an even more comfortable bed. Speaking of which I should probably get out of bed now. I wonder if the other girl woke up yet?

I got up and started heading to the living room of the house to see if she was up yet. It seems she is, the food I left for her isn't there anymore. Is she in her room? I knocked on her door to see if she was in however after a few seconds I still had no response. I opened the door slightly and peeked in to find nothing there as well. Telepathy it is then. I walked outside before speaking.

'I just woke up, where did you go?'

After I spoke I heard somethings fall over in one of the buildings near me so I decided to go check if it was her. When I entered the ruined connivence store I saw the white haired girl rubbing her head sitting on the ground with a bunch of cans next to her.

"Umm, are you ok?"

The girl looked over at me and froze for a moment before asking, "Were you the one who helped me out of the escape pod?"

"Yea, I was. Again I'm sorry for scaring you back when we first met." I extended my hand down to her to help her up and asked, "How have you been holding up?"

She accepted my hand and as I pulled her up I got a notification from the system.

[Human form added to the skill: Transformation.]

"Thank you for helping me, and I have been ok. A bit hungry though. Yesterday when you were still asleep I explored the town a little bit and found some preserved food that was still good a couple blocks away and ate that. They didn't taste great and were really hard. I couldn't read what it was though except for the fact it could last for a long time. Oh right and my name is 144, or Shiro by the way."

"Nice to meet you Shiro. I have two names that people have called me by and thats 001 or the Klaxosaur Queen, although recently something sort of strange happened and I'm not really the same person anymore if that makes any sense."

She froze again before stuttering "Klaxo...saur, Quee..n? Are you going to k-kill m-me?"

"Nope, I have no reason to. You are not one of the humans that have gone against the laws of the world and It will be nice to have an actual person to talk to since it's been a very long time since I have been alone."

"Oh, ok? Wait laws of the world?" Shiro asked.

"Basically immortality that the so called "Parents" have is against the laws of the world. Immortality is ok for people to gain through hard work and strength, but as people gain this so called immortality through science and technology one of two things can happen. The first which is the better one is the planets self defense function activates and tries to fight back. The second which is far worse is the universe self defense activates and almost life on the planet is good as dead."

"Wow... can I ask a question?"

"Go ahead."

"You said that the planets self defense function would activate if immortality is gained correct? Would that mean the Klaxosaurs are the self defense function?"

"Correct, you are a lot smarter than I expected," I said, as she started to pout. "However that was not always the case. A long time ago, roughly 60 million years ago the Klaxo-sapiens had achieved immortality and the universe punished us as we had means of spacefaring and our entire race had gotten immortality. Our sensors didn't find the meteor before it was too late to escape, killing all our race but me because my parents put me into the deepest underground safe house they could. About 50 million years ago the will of the planet forcefully contracted my old soul to become the self defense function of the world so the planet could safely kill off all of the creatures that became immortal without wiping out everything else. Well enough about the doom and gloom topics. Want to look around the town with me?"

She nodded and we went to explore the town together. There were a bunch of old cars and mechanical things I decided I wanted to take apart later, and a whole bunch of seeds that somehow are still alive which I stored. In one of the ruined supermarkets we found a bunch of still good pasta that haven't left the sealed boxes, and rice. Shiro and I continued to talk about other things as we explored, some of the topics we discussed included her life before her mission that led to us meeting, some of the things about the Klaxo-sapiens before my original went underground for millions of years, and finally beds which Shiro got slightly overwhelmed by my excitement talking about them.

"Hey Shiro, want to visit the ocean thats near by?"

"Ocean? What is that?"

I gave her a blank look and said, "Ok we are going, no exceptions."


I walked dragged her to the small forest that separated the town from the ocean. Shiro was confused but went along with me anyways. Once I saw the forest starting to clear up with the beautiful sapphire blue water in the background I started running at a faster pace. When I got to the clearing I stood there in awe as the view over the ocean was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in both of my lives even on the internet nothing could even compare. Shiro caught up and had the same reaction as I did.

(image here)

"Wow... I never expected something like this to exist in this world."

"Yea same, I have lived a long life and nothing could compare to this. Would you like to help me fix up one of the buildings closer to the ocean and move there?"

"I would love to though I don't know if I can be of much help since I'm not that strong."

"Hmmm, I could do the heavy lifting and you could do the finer details. Let's start by finding a house to work with in the first place."

We returned to the town and decided to go opposite directions and look for a new house for an hour before meeting back up. After a while I found a smaller home in a nice condition that was surrounded by large trees with another tree growing through the house itself. Of all the houses I had seen on the way there it was in the nicest location and in the best condition. I decided that that was going to be the house I choose and decided to meet with Shiro again.

(image here)

I arrived at our meeting spot and waited for a few minutes before Shiro arrived. She looked really excited to show me the house she had found.

"You look excited? Shall we go check out the one you found first?"

She nodded rapidly and grabbed my hand to lead me to the house she found. After about 20 minutes of walking she lead me to an elevated mansion that I vaguely remember seeing from the anime. It was two stories and honestly a bigger than any house I had stayed in before. The interior was in tatters, and Shiro claimed it looked exactly like the boardinghouse she lived in with her squad with a little bit of sadness in her voice.

(Image here)

"Ok let's go check out the place I found, I think you will like it. It is much smaller but in a much better location, in my opinion."

"Ok, lead the way!" I led Shiro to the house I found which was about 45 minutes away from the mansion.

"You are right 001, its in a better location than the mansion, can you show me the interior? Also we need to come up with a simpler name for you since saying 001 every time is a pain."

I grinned and said, "Ok then, follow me, 144."

"Haha, very funny." She responded with a slight glare and sighed to which I giggled at.

The interior of the house was far nicer, however it was completely covered in dust, near the windows was old glass that was broken, and was almost completely empty of any furniture with the exception of a few old frames that were falling apart. We even found a basement that I missed when I first looked through.

"By the way Naomi, why did you choose this house?"


"You duh, theres no one else here and you don't have a name so I am making that your name now."

"Ok? Well I chose this house because its out of the way so its private, and it will be easier to maintain the house because it is smaller and it will be easier to repair. We also don't need a massive amount of space. I also think it looks nice with all these plants around it."

"Oh, I hadn't thought about maintenance. Let's move to this one then."

"Don't get too excited Shiro, we still need to fix it first. We can start that tomorrow since it's getting late and we should go to sleep."

"Ok, works for me." As we started walking back to the place we stayed the night Shiro asked a one final question, "By the way Naomi, earlier you said that recently something sort of strange happened to you and you are not really the same person anymore, can I ask what you mean by that?"

"*sigh* Look Shiro, I'm not original from this world, like my soul and personality. If I was still the original 001 who had a hatred for all humans I would have either left you to die or killed you faster when we met. The current me assimilated all of the old me's memories, a little bit of personality and experience and no will of the world binding me. I was originally a human before I died, something happened and I ended up like this. I wish I could tell you more however I don't know much more than that."

She nodded as we started heading back to our home as the sun began to sink and the sky turned pink. We entered the house and ate a quiet dinner before heading to our separate rooms.

"Goodnight Shiro. Thanks for the name and being so chill with me, I'll see you in the morning."

"Goodnight Naomi, and no problem."