Chapter One: The New Beginning

In the beginning, there was peace among the lands. Earth and the Underworld had been in perfect working order. Earth, a quiet resting home for Humans who lived blissfully unaware of the horrors that surrounded them.

In The Underworld, a beautifully colorful land, home to a whole manner of creatures, there was war . At one time, they had known peace, but It had been so long since they savored its sweet taste.

Within the Underworld, there rested three Kingdoms. One, The Kingdom of the Vampires, the next The Kingdom of the Lycans and the last being the Kingdom of the Witches. These Kingdoms at one time, had coexisted in perfect harmony though due to the lies and greed within the land, they were locked in a bitter war with one another. No side was willing to give leanency due to their beliefs.

Vampires had broken past the walls of the Witch Kingdom where Queen Aurora and King Kalivare had barricaded themselves behind their bedroom door with with Infant child. long is this going to take? " Kalivare shouted as he tried to hold back the door, finally receiving help by a tall and brooding fellow King, this being the King of the Lycans. " Kalivare! Don't rush! We want them to get to Earth Safely. We can't mess this up. You know all too well how much rests on the success of this " the Lycan King explains to his old friend.

" We are almost ready" a woman shouts back at them, this being Queen Aurora, King Kalivare's Queen, who was holding her infant child, lovingly in her arms.

Aurora smiles down at her inoccently smiling young child knowing, knowing this could be very well the last time she was ever blessed to lay her Violet eyes upon her. " I love you Kara, don't worry, Your Protector will keep you safe" Aurora smiles down, as a small boy breaks away from his mothers grip, and runs forward and looks up to the Queen. His hair was a mess, and though he was young, he was confident!

"I will keep Kara safe. always" The Boy, wearing the Lycan Royal Robes sounded off eagerly. He had an immense responsibility placed upon him and he knew all to well the reasons he had been brought here. This was a task his parents and King Kalivare along with Queen Aurora asked of him. And he had accepted it, not wanting to dissapoint them. His Father and Mother had assured him of the importance of this and that no mistakes could be afforded.

The Two Kings, struggling to keep the door barricaded shouted back to Queen Aurora " COME ON! WE CAN'T HOLD IT MUCH LONGER! "

Aurora nodded to them and turned back down to her child

"Until we meet again, my beautiful child" Queen Aurora smiles as a bright light shines through the room, just as the doors had been broken down and a hoard of Vampires pass through it..

18 years Later.

Fall has come. And the streets have been crested with a sea of brown, red and Golden leaves. A gentle chilled breeze carries the waves of leafs down the pothole rattled street of Baker. It passes by, almost as though an old friend is greeting the house of Margerat and Kara Lunastar.

Margerat, a 45 year old single mother whom moved to the town of Featherstone around 18 years ago to escape what she has always referred to as " Overly Concerned parenting reasons" prepares breakfast for her only daughter, Kara, who had been sleeping.

" Honey, Come on Down, we don't want the food getting cold"

Margerat calls out from the warm embrace of the kitchen up to the second floor where Kara is just now opening her eyes and being greeted by the sun beaming through the window where the drapes were once closed. " Dammit Mom.." Kara groans as she rubs her eyes at the realization her mother had opened the drapes to let the sun in before she prepared breakfast, a gesture of course, that is now blinding Kara.

But, after rubbing her eyes and completing her morning ritual of rolling over to see her trustee Felix the cat alarm clock that she has had since childhood reads in bright red letters and numbers." 7:00am", Kara finally manages to stumble to her feet and groans.

" God, I hate Mornings" she yawns as makes her way over to the the white framed mirror hung on her wall that once came complete with a desk that she managed to break by standing atop it to take a photo, a decision that not only break the desk, but also produced a nasty headache for weeks.

" Oh God " Kara groans again. " I look like exactly how I feel right now...awful" as she begins looking over how messy her thin brunette hair is now that it looks as though a tornado passed through it, something to rival what ripped Dorothy's home straight from its frame.

" God..if only I could go to Oz..maybe then I could find a way to skip school. I've basically already graduated anyway..maybe I should just skip" Kara yawns as she rubs her eyes, which are chocolate brown. Her Skin was darker, almost resembled Caramel which matched well with her eyes. Something she had always found quite weird considering her mother had Blue eyes and supposedly her father had Green eyes.." No..I cannot skip. Not worth it...I cannot miss out on bumping into Jack again"

Kara Sighs and begins getting dressed in the nearest clothes she can find and makes her way down stairs and to the kitchen where her mother has laid out quite the feast. " Eggs, Bacon, Sausage Links, homemade biscuits and..a cupcake..?" Kara stares in confusion at the tiny tasty iced goodie. " Yes Kara..please do not tell me you've already forgotten" her mother smiles at her. " Its your 18th birthday today!" She laughs and as she takes a seat at the table.

" Oh. I guess I had know I don't really care about my birthdays and stuff mom " Kara answers as she slides down into one of the three chairs at the table. " Well this is a very important day, you should just try to enjoy it! Go out! Have fun? " Her mother smiles with a Concerned yet assuring tone.

" You know I don't really go out. And besides, who would I even go hang out with? I haven't exactly made alot of friends here" Kara stares down her plate that her mother had passed over on the table. It had always been difficult for Kara to talk with others. She was not entirely sure why but she also felt like most people would not find her all that interesting anyway.

" Well you won't be able to have friends if you don't try and talk to people. You just..shut down sometimes. And I have never understood are such a sweet girl! You could make so many friends if you just took a chance on yourself" Her mother reassures in a more confident voice. " Trust me. You are worth it " She chuckles which in turn makes Kara finally smile.

Kara dares not tell her mother about her crush at School. Jack LaFone, The tall dark and handsome type. Dark brown eyes, thick black hair that Kara swears is so smooth that she could sleep on it like a baby. The man is simply gorgeous.

" hm..." Kara hums. " Mom, I need to start making my way to school" Kara snaps back to reality as her mother had just begun to start eating the breakfast, but was now concerned

" haven't even touched your food...come on..just-" Kara interrupts her mother by grabbing her bookbag on the hook by the kitchen door and makes her way out of the house as quickly as possible, only offering a quick wave goodbye.

The cold breeze hits Kara's face as she makes her way onto the aging sidewalk and begins walking to school. Luckily, she doesn't live to far from her school. " Only a few blocks " Kara reassures herself as she continues down the concrete path, kicking through the Fallen pallet of leafs.

As she walks, her thoughts go back to Jack. Even if she did have the confidence to talk to him, what would she say? How could she not make herself like a complete fool?

She knew the last time she had tried to make contact her with dream boy, she ended up staring him down in the cafeteria at school with a tray of food in her hands, clenching them tightly in hopes that doing so would somehow help her gather the right words. Alas, it never did.

" Why can't this kind of thing be easier? " Kara growls to herself. She had never really been interested in making friends and that use to never bother her too much. That was, until, she met Jack. Something about him was so different from the other guys. He was always so kind to everyone, so well spoken so... " Beautiful "

Kara smiles as the thoughts of Jack begin to fade when hearing the noise of something moving quickly behind her. Whatever it was, it sounded rather large to Kara.


" Hello?" Kara calls out as she quickly turns around but sees nothing but an empty side walk behind her. She could've sworn that she heard something..but..perhaps it was just the wind dancing with the fallen leafs or something. A sound she use to find so peaceful.

' WOOSH' And there it was again, but this time, coming from in front of her. She turns back around but sees nothing yet again. It is at this point that she definitely growing more and more concerned because this time, she felt the wind crash against her clothing when whatever it was passed by. " umm.." Kara mutters under her breath and without anymore thought, begins running as fast as she can to the school. She will be damned if whatever that was would get her wether it meant harm or not. She just hoped that she could outrun it. " Dammit, why didn't I ever take Track and Feild" She exhales as she runs as hard as she can away from the noise.

Though exhausted, Kara rushes onto the schools property and breathes a sigh of relief as she makes her way up to her class building. Featherstone High School was an extremely small school. One single building with around or close to 16 classrooms. The town of Featherstone was quite small and thus the town never really felt the need to upgrade the school. Which mainly means that most of the wiring and plumbing was severely outdated.

This was extremely interesting to Kara considering that a transfer student had come to the school around 4 years ago. His name was Gabriel Bishop. Which was a strange name to Kara but she tried to not think much of it. Even if it did sound a little bit out of place to her, though then again, her own name had seemed out of place.

Gabriel never really talked much either, he never seemed to have any interest in making friends which Kara had always found interested because it meant, in her own mind, that he was kind of like her in some ways..or at least in that way. He was 6ft 3 and looked to be around the same age as her. He had long Black Hair that stretched down to his lower back and he was extremely well built.

At first, she thought that perhaps he was here for sports but dismissed it quickly after realizing the school's football Team " The Featherstone Fighters" was not exactly the best team. They had not one a single game in at least 10 years and the last time they actually had won a game, it was due to a technicality. So him being here for the sports team would be slightly unbelievable. They had practically nothing to offer. Though Kara herself was never really in to sports, there were plenty of sport heads at the school. Whose incessant discussions about the game and the school spirit needing a major boost, always annoyed her.

" RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING" the first bell of the day rings and Kara rushes into her first class of the day. Jack, whom pretty much shared all of his classes with Kara, left her disappointed.

" Where is he ? " she asked herself, concerned that he had shown up for none of the classes for the day. " And come to think of it, Gabriel had not shown up to any of the classes either" Kara pondered. Something felt off to her but there wasn't much she could do about it. Whilst a small town, she had no idea where they lived or their information so she wouldn't be able to satisfy her curiosity. And considering she didn't really communicate with other students, if they had friends, she wouldn't be aware or be able to ask about them without it seeming off to others like. " Maybe they both got sick or something. I haven't heard of any bugs going around or anything though. So..I don't know. Why am I even concerned about this? " she questioned herself. " Strange " Kara mumbled as she prepared her things to head home for the day. She was tired and just wanted to get home and rest. Although she knew this would be impossible due to her mother preparing a special " Surprise" like she did every year with the neighbors that Kara never had an interest in meeting or talking with. Kara sighed, as her hand was suddenly grabbed by one of her fellow students.

Grace, a top A student, much like Kara was, blue eyed and beautiful with the tightest little figure which made most of the guys in the school go completely nuts, which only annoyed Kara. She never understood why goes could be so short sighted on things just as attraction though, she also in ways admired Grace, simply for the fact that she was in shape and Kara was not.

" Kara!! Please stay for a little bit. I need you to submit your senior graduation statement" Grace moved closer to Kara so that she could almost box her in with her tiny frame against Kara's desk.

" um...I didn't really want to give a statement or anything. I was thinking about just leaving it blank" Kara explained, looking for the nearest exit out of the situation.

" Oh come on" Grace insisted. And kept insisting until Kara finally caved and agreed to stay for an extra hour going over the statement with Grace whom refused to let Kara get away with a simple phrase of some sort. " No come on, this is important" Grace nodded excitedly.

What Kara could not seem to understand is why Grace insisted on this so much. She had never made much of an effort to talk with Grace and the effort was mutual. And of course Grace was on the graduation planning team but there is no way she would go through this much effort with every single person. Otherwise, nothing would ever be done by the graduation date. Though, after that whole hour, Kara finally managed to satisfy Grace's picky taste with something akin to a generic phrase from an obscure movie Kara had seen once many years ago. And the moment Grace had loosened her grip, Kara bolted for the door and made her way home. Kara had no intention of being Grace's friend whatsoever..

As Kara quickly made her way off the school grounds and down the sidewalk, she took notice that the sun was beginning to set. She hadn't realized completely how much time had passed but she was also in some ways happy about this. She always dreaded her mother's birthday surprise parties. In some ways, it always felt like it was more for her mother than actually for her. And so she decided to walk as slowly as she could back home to delay the inevitable.

" CRSSSSSSH " a loud sound thunders in front of Kara which makes her drop lower down to almost a kneeling position, her head laying against the hard sidewalk, to protect herself from whatever caused the disturbance.

" BOOOOM" Another loud sound whips past Kara's ears though again, she couldn't see anything. Kara's mind races as to what could be going on around her. " It almost sounds like a car crash " Kara looks around as best as she can but still sees nothing.

" Could someone be hurt?" And almost on que, loud screams, almost sounding like an animal being trapped and in pain, began roaring in front of her. They seem to be coming from a yard about 3 houses down from where Kara is currently located.

" Shit..isn't that..crap..what was their name? DAMMIT KARA..they could be in trouble and I don't even remember their name. This is why it's beneficial to talk to people Kara. These people could be in danger and I don't even know their freaking names. " Kara argues with herself as another loud scream echos throughout the neighborhood.

'WOOSH' A large dark figure of some sort, soars from the yard where the noises were coming from and flies across the road and crashes through a house on the opposite side of the street in front of Kara. The Tailwind of whatever the figure was, crashed against Kara's hair and back.

" WHAT THE FUCK" Kara shrieks as she begins slowly crawling foward on the sidewalk at the slowest and most cautious pace she could manage. " What the hell is going on? What the hell was that? Was it an animal or- " Kara questioned in a panic as another Giant Dark Figure steps out in front of Kara. Though couldn't see the entire figure, see could see at least the lower portions. Pitch Black fur Paws, thick black fur coating 4 very muscly legs is all that Kara can see. And she dare not look up for fear that it might notice her.She could only manage to glance to the side of her where she can see a long Black Tail waving in the air.

This thing had to be massive from what she could tell. With an extremely deep breath, Kara closes are eyes, pinching them together so tightly in hopes that she has finally lost her mind and that by keeping her eyes closed now, she could somehow snap back into reality.

And after a few seconds have passed, once she feels like she is finally calmed down enough to crack her eyes open even just the tiniest little bit, something massive flies across the street and attacks whatever it is that is standing in front of Kara.

The sheer force of impact blew Kara's hair back and by the sounds of the loud crashing, wood and brick debris that now lay in front of her, She can only assume they crashed through the house beside her. But this, this was her chance! If she was going to make an escape then this had to be her moment! She couldn't afford to be a causality in whatever kind of fight this was.

After several self encouraging words, Kara rose to her feet and began to make a run for it as quickly as she could to her home. But as she drew closer to her home, she heard a familiar voice call out to her from behind " KARA!".

This voice made Kara stop in her tracks. She could almost feel her ears ringing at the sheer sound of the voice. There is no way that voice could belong to the person she thinks it belongs too. How could it possibly belong belong him? Why would he be here? Why would he be here now? Kara slowly slowly her head back behind her to see the confirmation of her worst fear in this moment. " Jack?"