Chapter Seven: The Promise

Hours have now passed and Kara is awaiting for Gabriel to wake up so that they can continue moving. She knows the dream was important, but wasn't entirely sure that she should bring it up to Gabriel when he awakens. Perhaps she could bring it up later, when things had calmed down a bit more.

Whilst he has been asleep, Kara has done her best to safeguard their presence but taking some of the brush and leafs and enclosing them around their small area. It was not something Kara felt would be super effective but would perhaps make it slightly harder for them to be spotted. Whilst Gooblin was helpful, she wasnt sure that the others would be.

Kara also managed to stomach some more jerky. This was a comfort food for her and kept her calm and focused somehow. She managed to save the bigger portion for Gabriel knowing full well he would need his strength. He had been through so much and he deserved it. Even though she was still starving.

" I'm sorry you had to see that Kara.." a familiar voice calls out to her. Kara turns quickly back to Gabriel who is now rubbing his eyes and sounding slighter more healthy than before.

" Gabriel? You are awake! How are you feeling? " Kara rushes to his side and kneels down. It felt so good to hear his voice again. She felt she could finally smile again.

" I'm feeling like I got stabbed..alot. How" Gabriel is shocked that his wounds are now gone and is looking over just trying to establish how this could even be possible. There was no way Kara would be able to pull something like this off so early on. She knew nothing about how to use her magic at least to Gabriel's knowlege.

" It wasn't me" Kara answers " Some creature named Gooblin came along and found us. He wanted to help so he healed you " She explains as she reaches behind her and grabs some jerky for him as well as a canteen that she had filled with Creek water in preparation for this moment.

" Well..luckily he came along. Because otherwise I probably would've died " He grumbles which Kara chooses to ignore. She knows he is just upset that he got jumped and couldn't fight back.

" Look, we do have to work together. At least for the time being. I've got some food here for you and some water. I'm sorry that..I didn't help. I didn't know what I could do in the moment. But, I promise..that won't happen again " Kara explains as she hands him the food and drink and stands back to her feet. She was serious, he wanted to be more confident in her actions from this point forward.

" And also, I've been thinking. About your sickness. Queen Aurora can probably help you with that. I'm sure she would be happy to repay you for everything you've done " Kara begins fidgeting with the backpack so that she doesn't have to face Gabriel and keep her focus on the conversation. " Yeah. I'm sure she would love to help" Gabriel mocks as he begins chewing on some Jerky.

" You say that as though you believe she wouldn't help.." Kara stares down at the backroom, glancing over the threads within the Fabic that are are an old worn lime green color.

" That's because I don't want her help. I can handle this on my own" he snarls as he pours some water down his throat. " Why is it that it has to be on your own though. Why would it be so bad to ask for help? Help is a good thing. Not everything has to be done on your own. I'm here now, I can help" Kara can't believe the words coming from her own mouth. Sure, she is curious but she also never really liked asking for help from anyone. How does she have the right to lecture him on this. " Because I do things on my own Kara. That's how I live my life. No attachments. No help. Just getting things done so I can get home" he snaps back coldly which makes Kara turn around as though she wanted to snap in return on him but holds herself back. " What is your home like anyway? " She deflects her aggression.

" My home is full of proud people. We have worked hard to build the kingdom up from nothing. My parents, united many of the once separated Lycan tribes and brought them together under one kingdom. And it was through the unity, that we prospered" Gabriel takes another sip of his drink. " My parents worked hard for years for every single brick put into the kingdom. They broke their backs doing their best to make sure the kingdom would have sufficient food supplies and fresh water. And huge, bountiful forest to hunt through at our leisure. The kingdom is massive and is surrounded by thick woodlands. Which keeps us separated from most other creatures but that is kind of how we like it. We stick to our own kind as much as possible " Gabriel Sighs. " But my parents believed in the vision that Queen Aurora had. And so they fought along side of her. Doing everything they can to protect her and her dreams. To unite the Underworld completely. Despite the fact the Vampires would never agree to it " Gabriel places the water and Jerky down and stands up to his feet..stumbling at first, trying to regain his footing but manages to do so after a few seconds. " There has been so much lost by that dream. But, on some level, I think it's worth fighting for too. If not for anything other than to end all the wars" Gabriel walks over to the backpack and begins loading supplies up In it which makes Kara back away from it. " The wars..You've mentioned that before.." Kara stares down at her feet. She had no idea why she couldn't bare to look up at him. Perhaps it was the shame she felt for almost letting him die. She wasn't sure.

" The first war was between all the inhabitants of the Underworld. And many lives were lost in that war. My parents fought in it, and manged to somehow survive along with Queen Aurora and your father. The second war..was when Vampires decided that they wanted to treat the Underworld like their personal feasting ground and decided to attack the Witches who opposed them more than anyone else. The charge against the Vampires was lead by your mother..and your father. Who sadly, died in the war " Kara's ears perked up when she heard this. " My dead?" She lifts her head slowly up to Gabriel who has now finished packing. He seemed as though he was slightly bothered that he let it slip but took a deep breath and continued.

" Yes. He was killed by a vampire. My parents tried to protect him but they were preoccupied with other fights at the time. They tried to get to them in time but just didn't make it" Gabriel stopped moving, and simply stared at Kara who was doing her best to process all of this information. " Why didn't Queen Aurora protect him..? " Kara asked and yet somehow, already knew the answer to the question.

" Because she was protecting you" Gabriel loads the backpack onto his shoulders as Kara's heart shatters. She not only had caused the death of Magerat, but also had basically gotten her father killed. " Listen, I can't transform until I get more of my strength back which means we are gonna be walking for a while so come on. We have to get moving, he pats her on the shoulder as he walks past but Kara doesn't move. She couldn't move. She felt frozen in place. As though her body would fall apart if she was to move a single inch.

" I got my father killed too..." Kara mutters. Gabriel sighs and turns back to her, grabbing her shoulder and turning her around to him. He stares down at her but her eyes refuse to meet his. " was not your fault. You were an infant. There is no way that would be your fault. Your father died protecting his family. And your mother would have happily given her life to protect you. That's weirdly how parenting works. Yes. Alot of fucked up shit has happened but that doesn't mean you can just sit there and place the fault all on yourself" Gabriel tries his best to reason with Kara who at this point, is completely unresponsive and within her own world. Gabriel Sighs takes Kara by the hand and pulls her along with him. Kara's feet begin to move but she still does not speak.

They traverse their way through the woods for hours until they come across a small clearing. Kara has been silent this entire time and Gabriel is not entirely sure what he can even say to help her at this point and so he chooses to say nothing and continues walking with her. He knew he probably shouldn't have told her but it was far too late for that now.

" For fucks sake " he thinks to himself. " I know I probably shouldn't have told her that but she needed to know the truth. She deserves to know the truth. She has been practically lied to her whole life and someone had to give her the reality check. " Gabriel Sighs. " I guess maybe I should take it more easier on her. She is still innocent in this whole thing. She doesn't know what we have all been through. She doesn't know what has been lost. And that isn't her fault. And yeah..maybe somewhere deep down, I do blame her. But I know it isn't her fault..she has no control over what people do or have done" they continue walking through the clearing and reach the other side, continuing through more woodland.

" I don't know why I'm such an ass to her though. I need to work on that. She doesn't deserve it. And she is right..we do have to work together at least for the time being. We still have several days left on this trip and we have to find a way to get along. And besides, it's not permanent anyway. Once I get her home she will be rid of me and I will be able to return home. Which I'm sure she will be all too happy about" the woodland grows thicker and thicker, blocking out the sunlight. " Still, I think I'm gonna miss her a little bit. She is annoying. Complains. And is a little too brave if you ask me but..I'm still gonna miss her once this is all over. "

They continue making their way through the woods and finally reach a dirt trail and make their way down it, which means they can finally pick up some speed. The terrain before had been a bit unleveled so they couldn't risk moving too fast especially with Kara being in the state that she in. Gabriel wishes he could transform again. In his wolf form, he always felt so free and and untethered by the human form limitations. He could run as fast as he wants, he could hunt easier and he had nothing to worry about. He loved and took pride of his wolf form more than anything. All lycans do though. Their wolf form is a symbol of themselves. Much like a family crest of sorts. And it represents not only their nobility but their history. Identifying someone in wolf form was always easier to a lycan than someone in human form as well. They could tell all they needed to know just from the color of the fur, the eyes, the fang structure and the size. Not needing the smell itself. This was one of the Perks of being Lycan Gabriel had always guessed.

" Kara..are you going to talk to me at some point? " Gabriel asked, though not receiving a reply. " Are you hungry or something? " he asked and yet again he received no reply whatsoever. " Kara, I know you are upset but you need go talk to me . We can't stay like this.. " Gabriel hopes that he will receive a response but all he receives is silence, much to his disappointment.

Kara has been walking and yet stuck in her mind for hours. Fighting against her own thoughts and doubts and losing every single battle she has picked with them. Others might overlook all the sacrifices but Kara feels responsible. Queen Aurora had reassured her that everything could be fixed but how could all those lives that were lost be fixed? There seemed to be no logical solution to Kara except the possibility of magic. But if magic could've have fixed it, then it would've been fixed long ago and that is a sad reality that Kara had not needed explained to her.

" I am sorry Gabriel " Kara cries in a broken voice. " You dont need to apologize Kara. Like I told you, it is not your fault" Gabriel explains which makes Kara rip away from his grip. " You keep saying that but we both know it is. I know I seem like a sobbing mess alot lately but dammit..I'm just learning about how fucked everything is and alot of that is to do with me " Kara holds back her tears and as Gabriel stops and turns back. " The wars were going to happen wether you were here or not. You are not the cause of them. And yes, people have died but you are putting to much shit on yourself. People die in wars. People that are close to us. But that doesn't mean it's our fault. It means that sometimes there is such greed in the world, no matter what world it is, that consumes people to the point where they don't think clearly. And that is a truth both here as well as on earth. So I'm sorry that you are not happy with that reality. But that is the truth" he pauses and then continues " But you can either sit here and feel sorry about the shit you can't change. Or, you can toughen up and fight harder and put in effort to make this world a better place. You can't change the past but you can change the future so shit like that doesn't happen anymore. Focus on that. Make sure no more lives are lost and stop crying over the ones already gone".

His words are true, and Kara knew that deep down. She knew she had to be stronger and she promised herself to do what he was saying long before he said it.

" You are right" Kara responded, finally meeting his eyes with her own. " I'm going to do whatever I can to make sure wars like that never happen again. I refuse to lose anymore people. Including you " Kara steps foward and stretches out her arms and wraps them around Gabriel tightly. Holding onto him as close as she could, embracing him, in some way to show her thanks and appreciation for everything he has done for her. But also, in some selfish way, for her own comfort.

Gabriel wraps his arms around Kara as well and keeps his voice as low as possible " I promise you will not lose me Kara. I told you, I don't have any plans on dying. I have to get you home safe" he smiles. She is so tiny and frail in his arms and he is worried that he might break her if he squeezed too tightly so he tries to restrain himself as much as possible. " You can't tell me that we end when you take me home " Kara fears his answer but yet feels comforted by his arms. He is so strong and so warm, she feels so safe with him and wants to stay like this for as long as he will allow. " Even then, you will not lose me. I can promise you that " he smiles a little before breaking the hug from her which makes her pull away reluctantly as she wipes away her tears. " So..should we continue? " Kara asks to which Gabriel nods. " After You, Princess