Chapter Nine: An Old Friend

The travel down the road seems rather quiet and yet not as tense as it normally is. In truth, Gabriel has been thinking about Kara's kind words the night before. He told himself that that wouldn't continue thinking about it but it refused to leave his mind. It both bothers him and yet makes him happy. A happiness that he is not exactly use to. He had spent the better part of life on a land he was not familiar with, watching over someone he never even knew. Always remaining close enough to hear her calls or pleas for help but remaining out of sight and silent. And if he was being truthful with himself, he never had an interest in making contact with her. This was partially due to him blaming her for things that he now finds himself reassuring her about and also not entirely knowing how to communicate with others well. This was one of his many flaws and he knew at some point he would have to improve.

" I'm suppose to take over my parents kingdom someday " he thinks to himself. He would have to step up and be the man that his parents believed he could be. Though he hopes it won't be for a long time so he has some time to prepare. That and so that he can spend time with Kara every so often. Being close to her is something that makes him feel stronger, though he isn't sure entirely why. " Its not because she is weak..of course I know that" he thinks. Despite her own doubts, Gabriel does believe that she will make an amazing Queen someday and has never truly viewed her as weak. He watched her overcome so many challenges through her life that many would turn away from or shut down. But Kara never did. Kara, while timid at times, would never completely give up. Perhaps that is why he loves being around her so much. He knows all the great things she is and the even better things she can become and perhaps, deep down, he wants to witness it and be there for every moment. There was a huge part of him that just wanted to be a bigger part of her life. And keeping the friendship that he holds dear to his heart and always will.

" So I know this is random" Kara breaks the silence between the two. " But does it hurt when you transform? I know it might be too personal to ask but I was genuinely curious about this. Gabriel continues facing foward and smiles a little " No. It doesn't hurt at all. If anything, it's almost like releasing yourself from a constriction. Normally, in my human form, I feel like I'm being weighed down and limited but in my wolf form..I feel free. I feel I can access my full strength and speed. I can be my true self" He answers, almost shocked that she has taken an interest in his wolf form now considering how long they've been journeying together. But he appreciated it.

" So your true form is the wolf? So are human? You are just born this way? I'm just trying to understand.." Kara glances over at Gabriel with genuine interest, her arms resting above her head.

" Well, we are born as wolves. The important thing to understand is that our kind, is very old. And there was a time where we were being hunted. And from what I've understood, we developed the ability to shift both through magic and adaptation with survival instincts" he explains which makes Kara lean forward. " So...this would be a way of fitting in better. Does this mean you were hunted by humans at some point? "

" No " he answers. " Not all of us have Human forms. Some of us have alternative forms that we can shift into. I've never completely understood how that works but what I do know, is that I was one of the few that could change into human. Which I can only assume is another reason that I was selected to come to earth with you. Many of my people thought this was destiny while others were outraged that I had been selected"

Kara leans forward a little more, focusing on the road, the same as Gabriel. " Well Destiny or not, I feel like it should have been your choice as to wether you came or didn't. That wasn't fair to you" Kara feels an intense relief being able to have this conversation with Gabriel. It finally feels like they are truly bonding.

" Well as I've said, there is not much that can be done about it now. And besides, I don't exactly regret it. I got a pretty good friend out of this " he smiles which catches Kara's attention. "You are my first real bestfriend too Kara. I mean, there was someone from my childhood before I left. But I don't know what happened to her. I'm assuming she has probably forgotten about me" this peaks Kara's attention. She takes a mental note of the sadness in his voice. " So this girl...she meant alot to you? " Kara persist with her curiosity. " Well, I cared about her but that is also because we pretty much met and grew up together from the beginning. She was someone that was always kind to me. Her family was the leader of one of the older tribes and so our parents were friends which meant we got to spend time together which was nice. She wasn't there when I had to leave though. I believe at the time, her parents had taken her on a hunt for a few weeks. I almost feel they did that on purpose because they knew she wouldn't be happy about it"

" So what is her name" Kara asks. " The girl" she adds as she nudges Gabriel's arm playfully. Trying to poke and prod at any information she could get from him. Though Gabriel seems to battle over wether wanting to continue talking about her or not but finally relents " Her name was Victoria".

This was a name he had not spoken in years and it felt weird to leave his lips again. It had been so long and the words almost hurt to speak. There was so much time they had missed out on, and he feared she would have forgotten him. And yet, somehow, having Kara around was comforting. This is the first time he has gotten to open up about his feelings and this was therapeutic for him in so many ways.

" I'm sure she hasn't forgotten you. I'm sure she thinks of you everyday, awaiting the return of her Prince" Kara laughs trying to reassure him and then turns her head away to look over the vast green fields they were now passing. ' Her Prince' This statement bothered Kara on some level that she tried to push down as best as she could but she was struggling with it. She would be lying if she said she wasn't slightly jealous of this girl. But why would she feel so jealous? Perhaps this is simply because she has never had a true friend before and she just doesn't like the thought of sharing. " Yeah.." Gabriel respondes as they continue down the path.

A day passes whilst on the road and they only really stopped for food breaks and bathroom breaks. The constant thought of arriving at the destination was met with excitement and hesitation but nevertheless, they persisted. It was was a sense of dread and yet a sense of endless possibilities.

It is now dark, completely black with no light to help guide their way and so they decide to stop and rest for a moment.

The cart comes to a stop on the side of the road and Kara jumps down and lands on the firm dirt followed shortly by Gabriel. " Not that you needed to know but my Ass is killing me" Kara groaned as she stretched her legs, Gabriel making his way around the cart to the side. " Same " he answers as he checks their supplies. They had been on the road and Kara already missed the comfort of Gorgo's couch. But she knew that she would see comfort again soon. " Ya know- " Kara is interupted by the sounds of footsteps coming from the darkness. Without thinking, Kara leaps to Gabriel who steps forward, keeping Kara safely behind him.

Several long silent minutes pass by without any more commotion. " What do you think it was? " Kara finally manages to whimper out though Gabriel does not respond. Suddenly, a faint creak comes from behind Gabriel on the carriage to which he turns around whilst pushing Kara out of the way just in time for a figure to jump down on top of him. Kara gets back to her feet just in time to see that the figure is pinning Gabriel down. " GET OFF HIM" Kara screams as she charges forward and kicks the figure in what she hoped was its head which knocks it off Gabriel, rolling away on the dirt.

Gabriel gets back to his feet and shifts into his wolf form, growling and raring his teeth at the figure who also makes it back to its feet. Gabriel's Golden Eyes pierce through the knight like two Golden Tortches. The figure steps foward closer, and makes a weird cackling sound. " I don't know what you find so funny but would advise you to leave " Gabriel barks at the figure who continues its laughter, inching closer and closer to the pair.

" I can see you don't remember me Gabriel" the figure is definitely female from what Kara can tell. " Santara?" Gabriel lowers his guard. Recognizing the voice seemingly. The figure steps foward so that Kara can see her slightly more clear. From what she can tell, the girl is around her and Gabriel's age, she is an inch or so taller than Kara and seems to have very long hair that stretches down past her knees. Blood dripping from her mouth where Kara assumes is from the kick.

" is good to see that you have returned. I'd know those eyes anywhere" Santara giggles as she leans down right in front of Gabriel's snout who now shifts back to his human form. " What the hell is wrong with you? There was no reason for that shit " He growls at her which only makes her laugh more as she leans foward and hugs him tightly which catches both him and Kara off guard.

" I've missed you so much..everyone has" despite Santaras happy exterior, something about her seems off to Kara who steps foward and separates Santara. Who backs away and seems almost as shocked as Gabriel was to see her. " And you must be Kara. The girl who took our Prince away from us " Santara wiped the blood from her lip and extended her hand out to Kara to shake her hand which Kara does not accept.

" What are you doing here Santara?" Gabriel places his arm out, pushing Kara back a few steps.

After a pause, Santara cracks another wicked smile across her face. " I was out hunting. The woodlands are lacking food as of late so we have had to hunt further and further out to which Gabriel Objects. " Mother and Father would never allow that. There should have been plenty of food. And they were always dead set against hunting outside of our territory" he remains firm in his tone which Brings a look of concern across the face of Santara. " haven't heard..have you? I guess it makes sense considering how long you've been gone but...I'm sorry..your parents.." Santara stops, looking away from him for a few moments trying to find the proper way to put it. " They were killed..about 10 years ago. They were killed in an attack on the kingdom. We don't know who actually pulled it off because Noone was seen coming or going from the castle but..we suspect vampires. The tribes have formed a council together until your return " She explains.

Kara looks to Gabriel, concerned and shocked by the news. Wanting to do everything in her power to comfort him in this moment but knowing there was nothing she could say or do to make things right.

Gabriel, remains silent for several minutes. His expression completely blank, before finally choking out the words " And..Victoria? " of course his parents being dead upset him. But he had to know if Victoria made it as well. " Yes Victoria is fine. She has really stepped up and taken charge while you've been gone and would be more than happy to see you. She speaks of you so often. Honestly..the only casualties were your the time. But when they passed, we lost many numbers due to lack of food for a long time. Which is why the council was founded. To help maintain some order while you were away" Santara showed genuine sympathy for Gabriel and seemed genuinely disappointed that she had to be the one to break this news to him. But it had to be done. " Gabriel.." Kara calls though he doesn't respond. " I have to get Kara home safely. You should head back home and let our people know that I will be back. Be safe and make sure they are aware that their Prince is coming home." Gabriel says blankly to Santara who nods and shifts into her wolf form.

A bit smaller than Gabriel's wolf but the the fur is completely red with her eyes as pale as the moon. Without another word, Santara dissapears into the might and Gabriel climbs back onto the Carriage. " Come on Kara. We have to get going" he says quietly. Kara wanted to resist and talk about things before they just leave but she felt that perhaps it would be better to give him some time before confronting him and so she climbs into the carriage and they continue on down the road.