Chapter Twenty: War Of The Broken

Though it took an entire day, Victoria managed to get Gabriel back to the Lycan Kingdom. All she knew was that Gabriel was not the same. His eyes were nothing but a cold blank stare, which used to offer nothing but warmth, strength, protection. But now, there is nothing behind them. There's nothing of the man, the Wolf, The Lycan that she once knew.

As she carried his body into the castle, The council rushed to his side. They continued to ask what happened, seeking answers from Victoria but she could offer no explanation. All she knew was that it seemed as though he had been tortured. She had killed so many on her way through the castle. She could feel something was deeply wrong, but she wasn't sure what until she saw him.

She explained to the council that he would need proper healing and the only ones that could be capable of doing such healing would be the witch's.

The council agreed and sent for the aid, hoping that it would arrive in time. The few healers they did have within this Kingdom tried their best to bandage him but it seemed to do practically nothing. His face and forehead was completely cold. It was though that life itself had been sucked completely out of him.

It took a few more days for guards to Lycan Warrior's to return. But they simply informed the council as well as Victoria who was in Gabriel's room where he had been moved, remaining by his bedside the entire time. that aid could not be sent at this time period. That the Union of Kara and Pierce had halted everything within the kingdom and that Noone was allowed to leave or enter.

This infuriated Victoria. " Fucking no. This shit wouldn't have happened if they had just helped to begin with. After all he has done for them, after everything he has lost. And they can't even send one single fucking healer to save his life" Victoria's anger was rightfully justified. Somehow, yet again, Kara mattered more than the life of a Lycan and Victoria was tired of it. She was sick of this endless cycle of being consistently fucked over by the witches. All of them. Victoria made her way to the head of the roundtable and demanded the council join her. Santara walks in but stays at the back, leaning against the wall to watch her sisters speech.

Once they all had taken their seats, Victoria let her feelings be known. " Whether you wish to join me or not, whether you wish to see it or not, whether you wish to acknowledge it or not, the Kingdom of witches is our enemy. They have denied help when we have asked. They have ignored the health of our own king. A king whom might I add, has saved their princess's life more times that can even be imagined. He wasted 18 years on earth..for him to be repayed with Denial. With disrespect. With absolute sickening and disgusting treatment. We have been treated as Lessers for far too long. And I think it is time that we face the facts here" Victoria looks around the room as the Council nods in agreement.

" Our woodlands have died. Our people have been affected by this and are now dying as well. And now with the unification of the Witch and Vampire kingdoms. I think it is pretty clear who is responsible for all that has happened here. Not to mention that fact, that the people who the witches have unified with, are the same people who have left our King a broken mess that is dancing with death right now. I know that I am not Queen, hell, I'm not even a member of the council. But you can't tell me that this isn't cannot tell me that these actions are not actions of war.."

The council take only seconds to talk it over. " You are right Victoria. This can no longer be ignored. We must take action. Though our numbers are low. And though we may not win. We have to take a stand against this. And we think that you should lead the charge on this..Whilst Gabriel is our King, you have helped lead our people. No one here can Question your Loyalty to the Kingdom or the King. You are also our strongest warrior. " Victoria looks over the council, seeing their nods of approval. Including her parents who brandish tears in their eyes, much like the rest of the council.

" Tomorrow, I will go to the Kingdom of witches myself. And I will declare the war. And they will feel our wrath. Their flesh will rip at our claws and their bones will crack into dust within our jaws. They will know that whilst they have gained an ally, they have also made this biggest of enemies. I know that our numbers are small and I know that our chances of winning are low. But when has that ever stopped us from fighting? When has that ever stopped us from standing up for what we believe in? So let us fight, and stand with me. Or I will stand alone, and face them all myself. But one thing I can promise you all, I will leave nothing behind when I'm done."

And with that, Victoria leaves the chair and heads back to Gabriel's room. Santara follows behind her. Before she can close the door, Santara walks through, closing the door behind them.

Victoria and Santara stare at one another for a moment and then embrace tightly, tears streaming down their faces as they weap. "We can't lose him Vickie.." Santara cries. She had been keep a straight face since she brought him back but she could hold it back no longer.

" I know Sannie. And we won't. We will find a way to help him. I don't know how yet but we will" They both look over to Gabriel's body. His eyes closed and his breathing slowed..minutes passed between each inhale.

They make their way over to him and sit down on either side of him. " Sis..I don't know what is going on. But something is strange about Kara and the Prince getting married. I remembered hearing about it, and trust me, I don't like her either. But..something isn't right. So all I ask, is when you go there tomorrow..keep an eye out. From what I've heard, things in the Kingdom have changed quite a bit. And not for the better. I don't entirely know what that means.. but I wanted you to be aware of what you're possibly walking into" Santara holds onto Gabriel's hand and then immediately let's go. " I'm scared to touch him. I don't know what hurts and what doesn't. I don't want to make his pain worse"

" I know..I'm the same way. I've just been watching him for days now. Praying everyday that he wakes up but he never does. I'm not even sure if he is in there anymore" Victoria stops herself for a moment, trying to fight back the tears again. " for your request. I will keep an eye out. But..I can't promise I won't break the Bitches face" Victoria chuckles which makes Santara laugh as well.

" He has to get better" Santara says gently. " I know you've loved him for long. He was your hero. He was the magical Prince that you one wished you could grow up and Marry. But even if he wasn't a prince, you would've loved him all the same. I remember, when he left. And you were on the hunt and came home. You cried for weeks and weeks and weeks. I had never seen you so sad until a few days ago" Victoria lowers her head, as tears leak from her eyes. " You were so mad at your parents. And so mad at the King and Queen. I remember you walked up and Kicked his dad right in the shin. That was what pained you the most though.." Santara's lips began to tremble.

" Not even being able to say goodbye" Victoria cried out which made Santara cry as well. They both stayed like that for hours. Remincing and crying and waiting for their King to finally awaken. The entire castle had felt all of its hope drained out of it. It was as if the entire Kingdom was even more empty than when Gabriel wasn't there.. But now he is here, and he can't communicate with anyone.

Victoria only wished she knew what he had went through. So that he wouldn't be facing this all by himself. But even if he did come back, she highly doubted that he would ever want to discuss it. And she couldn't entirely blame him for that . She wished that she could take his pain away. That she could help him. That she could restore him to his former self. It had hurt her so much to see him like this. It had completely broke her heart. There had never been anything that she had wanted more in her life than to see him awake and ignoring her. And not unconscious and not being able to speak at all. She would give anything for him to just be mad at her. Because at least then, she know that he was still there, he was just upset . But now, she is worried that she will never get to hear his voice again. That she will never be able to express how she's truly felt about him since they were kids. All the things that she had held back for the past 18 years.

All the things that she had to get off her chest but was so scared to do. The things that she hid behind her toughness and bravery. The things that pushed her and drove her to climb that mountain and save him. The things that pushed her to carry him all the way home . She would give anything to be able to tell him these things.

The next day had finally come though. Both Victoria and Santara had fallen asleep in their chairs and Victoria awoke to the sound of birds chirping outside the window. She stood up and leaned forward and Kissed Gabriel's cheek as gently as she could and then walked over and nudged Santara awake. Both, made their way out of the room and down the hall to Victoria's room. " Don't let anything happen to him. Please..keep him safe.." Victoria made Santara Promise and so she did. Victoria made sure to think Santara And hugged her tightly.

Next, Victoria packed up the supplies she would need and made her way out of the Castle, down the main street, and out of town, past castle walls, and beyond the Lycan boarders. She was fixated. She was angry. She was ready to give the wakeup call of a life time.

Meanwhile, Kara and Pierce had finally shown themselves to the public. They did so first with an appareance at dinner with Queen Aurora. " are you two...enjoying yourself. With..the marriage and all.." Queen Aurora questions trying to start the conversation and break up the awkwardness of watching Kara and Pierce just staring into each other's eyes. It made her so uncomfortable to even ask, But this was the only way she could even communicate with her daughter at this point. It was almost like her daughter was completely foreign to her.

" We love it. And we have been talking. We are going to visit his home soon. He wants to show me where he is from since I've never gotten to see it" Kara squeals excitedly. Aurora wishes that could say that she was shocked. But she wasn't. This wasn't even the strangest thing that had taken place since Pierce had come into their lives.

But, regardless, she was still very much concerned for Kara's wellbeing. Going to the Vampire Kingdom, especially so early on in the alliance could have alot of catastrophic results. If Aurora was correct, and this was some ruse by the Vampires, Then they would have complete control over her daughter. Which means in some context, they would have control over the Kingdom.

Although Aurora was beginning to fear that they might already have control over her daughter. Everything seemed to point to that now. Kara was not acting the same. Things have changed so much. The tone had completely changed of the castle. Where once, it was More about excitement and reunion. Now it's about uncomfortable and awkward avoidance. It was a tension That was so thick within the air, that it honestly felt hard to breathe most of the time.

" Isn't that a little...soon? " Aurora asks and does not bother touching her food. She had lost her appetite over the last few days. The stress was the only nourishment she could find herself partaking in.

" Well we welcomed him into our home..and he wants to do the same for me. His parents would get to meet me and everything. It would be great"

Queen Aurora..sits back..flabbergasted by the naivety of her own daughter. " Okay...I'm gonna fucking say it. I can take this anymore. " What about Gabriel? " Kara slowly turns back to her mother, the smile wiped from her face, her eyes cold and dead. " Who? "

Aurora could not figure out Whether this was supposed to be some kind of joke or not. But she was not gonna let this slide any longer. " Gabriel..your friend. The man who-" a guard walks in, disturbing the dinner and distracting Aurora. He comes foward and Whispers something in Aurora's ear to which brings a look of Horror across her face. " If you two will excuse me for a moment..."

Aurora stands up and walks with the guard to another room whilst Kara's smile reforms back on her face and her eyes change yet again once looking deep into Pierces eyes.


The guard explains that the town was under lock down and that Noone was allowed to enter.

" Under whose authority? " Aurora would've remembered giving such an order and she would've never done such a thing. The guard shakes his head in the direction of Kara and Pierce. And that is when things start to make a little more sense to Aurora.

" KARA! " Queen Aurora screams at Kara who completely ignored her call. Aurora makes her way over to Kara and Pierce with an and wreckoning that had been delayed for far to long but Aurora no longer cared but right before she gets the there, the front doors slam open.

" QUEEN AURORA " Aurora would know that voice anywhere. It was Victoria. This was perhaps the worst time for Victoria to show up. And Aurora knew this would not end well. She turns her attention to Victoria who looks like an raging animal as she approaches the Queen. She hadn't even gotten the chance to prepare for this but she knew it was coming. It was bound bound happen.

" You have some real fucking nerve you know that? How dare you turn down aiding him. After everything he has done for you. After everything he has done for your daughter. After everything he has done for your entire Kingdom. And this is how you sank him.." Victoria is going off and Aurora tries to explain but Victoria raises her tone even higher.

" GABRIEL IS GOING TO DIE AND IT ALL YOUR FUCKING FAULT" She screams louder. " But listen to me, when I tell you this. And listen good Aurora. There is going to be hell to pay for everything that you have done. And everything that your daughter has done. This is not over "

Victoria turns to Kara and reaches over, grabbing her by her hair and dragging her across the floor, who screams, tugging at the arm that is pulling on her, before lifting her up, and slamming her face through an entire marble column which makes the column crumble and collapse.

Rubble falls everywhere but Victoria never moved. It's as though she was in the perfect position for the downpour of heavy rain that was surrounding them.

Pierce tries to interject by running at Victoria who simply trips him, and then grabs him by his ankles and swings him over her hand, sending him crashing through the table. " For a fucking Vampire. You are really pathetic" Victoria shoots her Gaze back to Aurora.

At this point, Aurora had taken steps foward, her hands glowing ready to land a kill strike on Victoria. The two meet eye to eye. And stare deep into each other's inner selves. Seeing that neither one are wavering in in slightest. Victoria, filled with rage and vengeance on her mind whilst Aurora, was strong and seeking only her daughters protection. This was unacceptable to Aurora thougj This was a long time coming. Even before what happened to Gabriel. Victoria had never forgiven Aurora making Gabriel leave.

" Consider this War, Aurora. And the next time you see me...understand that this Kingdom. That you love so damn much. So much more than everything except your precious daughter..understand..that when you see me again. It will all burn. It will all burn and you will be left..with fucking nothing. Just like you left him, and the rest of us with" And with that Victoria shoves Aurora away from her and turns around and heads out of the Castle.

The Queen's first thought is to check on Kara who seems to be disoriented but otherwise...completely fine. Aurora wasn't sure how this was possible but yet. There she was. She should have so much more damage on her. At least a scratch. But nothing. Nothing of the sort can be found on Kara at all. This made no sense at all. And Aurora knew she would have to investigate as soon as she could get the chance. Once she is sure that Kara will be alright, Aurora knew that she must plan for the worst. If what Victoria is serious. She will be getting a war despite having tried her best to avoid one. And this may be a war, that Noone survives.