Chapter Twenty Five : The Raven and the Reaper

It was dark, the woodlands echo the flitterbugs chrips. A closed figure runs through the woods. Leaping over fallen trees and traveling as fast as she possibly could. She knew these woods all to well. She had been living in them for years but she knew the time was coming for her to move again. She couldn't stay in one place for too long. And tonight, she was almost spotted but thankfully she got away from the captures. She travels deeper into the woodlands until she finds an old shack.

This had been her home and no one had managed to discover It quite yet. But they were getting closer. Day by day. She waves her hand at the door and it creaks open and closes by itself once she is inside. She waves her hand again and lights fill the room as she removes her head.

She is young. About 20 or so years old at least physically. Her hair is jet black with blue streaks running through it. She took off her cloak. Revealing her black tank top and black skinny jeans. She knew she shouldn't have worn these tonight but she loved them so much. She couldn't resist wearing them.

" Raven..." A voice calls behind her. " You know you can't keep running like this. Let me take you with me" the girl looks down and smiles as she closes her eyes, hiding her pure white eyes. " Shawn...I know you want me to come with you to Outworld. But this is my home. This is where I grew up. And this place needs me as much as I need it " She turns around and sees a Hoodie wearing figure with the large black scythe, sitting down in one of her chairs at the small table she had made from fallen trees.

" And also, can you maybe not sit in my house in the dark anymore? That shit is creepy " She informs him giggles and makes her way over to the other chair and sits down across from him.

" You were outcasted 5 years ago. And I know you love it here. But they are never going to stop hunting you. They are relentless and you know that" Raven sits back in the chair and pulls out some herbs from the back she kept strapped to her waist and places them on the table. " I know. I know Shawn. And I know you are just trying to help. But I can handle myself. Please stop worrying about me. I have made it this far on my own and I think I'm doing pretty well" Raven had been going through this for months with him. He had become so persistent. Especially recently.

" I'm sorry I keep pushing. I'll drop it.." He looks away and stares at the shelf across from him filled with jars full of different herbs and ingredients. " So you know that Princess Kara is back. Im sure you've heard.." he focuses on a red jar in particular. It almost looks like this filled with eggs. Tiny oval white objects. This made no sense to him. Why would someone jar eggs?

" Yes. I had heard that. Is there a particular reason you have brought this up?" Raven goes through the herbs layed out on the table. Picking the best that she can find. It wasn't that she was not interested, she was simply just focusing on her current task.

" Yes..Gabriel as back as well. " Raven puts the herbs and looks over at Shawn at the mention of his name. This was name she had not heard in so long..

" How is..he? he still troubled by the sickness? I know that the viles I gave would last him until he managed to get back here. But after all that happened. I wasn't sure I'd ever be able to give him more. I wasn't even sure they would entirely work to begin with but I'm guessing that they did. " Raven was relieved to know that Gabriel had made it back to the Underworld. Back home.

Shawn flipped around and faced Raven. " I'm not sure about the sickness anymore. I know that he didn't complain about it and he wasn't asking about you so I'm going to assume that it isn't bothering him too much. But then again..he is kind of in a coma.." Ravens eyes widen at this news. " What the hell happened? Why are you just telling me this now? Maybe I can help? " She stands up and begins going through drawers looking for the right recipes.

Shawn explains what happened to the best of his knowledge. Raven almost couldn't believe what she was hearing. A strong sense of Sympathy washed over her.

" My gods...that poor guy. It's not like his life was hard enough..but I still should be able to help him" Shawn stands up and makes his way over to Raven slowly. He then places his hand on her shoulder. A gesture that would immediatly kill a normal person but Raven could feel the warmth he had. She loved his touches even though it happened rarely.

" That is where we have a problem. I have been watching over him. And Victoria has died.." Raven spins around. " What in the hell has been happening..Is Santara still..." She didn't want to finish the sentence but Shawn seemed more concerned.

" She is alive" He answeres

" But I guess the best way to put she has..become unhinged. But we knew that was going to happen. It was bound to happen. She is basically keeping him isolated. She plans on mating with him. And as for the rest of her plans..I'm not sure but it's not going to be good. "

" We should have done something about her when she killed her parents" Raven turns her gaze down to Shawn's hand. She was filled with so much Regret.

" We thought she could change. She was just a child when it happened" and then added " But you are right. Thought it too late now. And Gabriel is paying for it. " Raven exhales deeply, knowing full well this was a bad situation. Santara was completely unstable far long before Victoria's death. But Victoria had always kept her in check though never knowing the truth about how Santaras parents had passed.

" Well, have you told Aurorra and Kara about it? Perhaps they would intervene" but Shawn shakes his head. " She has intimidated everyone into doing what she asks. She has amassed an army that she plans to use once Gabriel awakens. They wouldn't get far. And on top of that. From what I can guess. She is going to try and manipulate him. Which won't take much considering how things have happened. We can't bring them into this. It would just lead to Kara and Queen Aurora dying. And if that happens, we are going to have an even bigger mess"

Raven turns back to face Shawn " We? Are you suggesting we go there and try to wake him up? Raven asks being shocked that Shawn would even consider this considering how much he had been trying to protect her and keep her hidden. Shawn nods to this

" While it is true. I treasure him deeply. If I'm spotted...its going to bad. You know that. Especially considering Santara has never liked you. She would have me hunted even more just to make you upset. And the chances are, they will find me. And at that point, execution is going to be the least of my problems" Raven reaches her hand through the hood and rubs something that feels like a cheek to her. " That Is why I want you to come to Outworld. I can protect you there. You would be safe and Noone would hunt you"

Raven thinks on this, debating and weighing all the options she has.She knew and never questioned the fact that Shawn would keep her safe. She loved her home though. But,.Gabriel needed assistance and if he didn't get it soon.. things were going happen that would change the fate of the Underworld forever. The home that Raven loved with all of her Heart. Shawn coming directly second to it.

" Fine..but..we have to ensure that Gabriel is okay before we leave. We can't leave him in her hands. " Well where do you suggest we take him? " She asks softly, being hypnotized by his darkness. " Perhaps to Gorgo. He would be safe there. I would take him back to Aurora but I don't see that ending well" Raven agrees with this and then she leans foward and kisses him deeply. Her face dissapearing within the darkness.