Chapter Fourty Three: The Truth

Gabriel was rushed inside the castle by Lusette followed by Shawn. Raven helped escort Kara inside who didn't seem like she was in the mindset. " He can be healed. But it's going to take a little while before he completely recovers. The burns are pretty bad.." Raven explains, as Kara stands still, watching Gabriel being placed on his bed.

Shawn's over to Kara and tries his best to comfort her. " I know you are upset. And I know you are feeling confused right now...but - " Kara interrupts him. " I have to go" Kara vanishes, leaving Shawn staring at an empty space.

Kara Teleports back to the Castle, her home. She looked for Gwen but can't find her anywhere. She heads to her mother's room where she finds it had been destroyed completely. Claw marks had ripped through everything and destroyed the entire interior. Kara looks and doesn't see her mother in the bed but she does see Gwen slumped down.

She rushes to her side. " Gwen..I'm back. What happened? Where is mom?" Kara asked but recieved no response. She puts her hand on Gwen's powerful shoulders and shakes her. But still no response. Kara takes a deep breath and lifts Gwen's head, seeing an unrecognizable face before her eyes. It had been completely mauled. " Gwen..." Kara whispered as tears streamed down her cheeks. " can't can't be..I cant..I can't lose you too" Kara cries pounding her fist on Gwen's shoulder. " No. You can't leave me here. You can't leave please " Kara weeps as she falls into Gwen's lap.

Even her, even Gwen was taken from her. She had lost everything. She had to be cursed. To love and lose this much. Kara just wanted this to be a horrible dream from which she would wake up from. She thought back to her Felix the Cat alarm clock and couldn't help but wish to see it again. She would give anything for this to be a dream and be awakened by the horrible buzzing noise that it made. But that couldn't happen. Not now..That was not her reality.

Kara was truly alone, or at least she felt that way. She wasn't sure who was responsible. But there were claw marks. Which made her think of the Lycans again. But it didn't make sense. She had just seen Gabriel.. she nearly killed him. Unless he sent soldiers to kill didn't make sense. And her mother was gone. Kara wanted to find her but had to find the strength to do so. She had to stand again. She couldn't give up. Not now. She had come so far. She had been through so much. And she needed her mother. She needed to know she wasn't alone. But all she could do is continue to cry for hours.

" What the hell was that about with Victoria? " Shawn asked Lysette who finally sat down after pacing around the room, still hung up on adrenaline. " That is a long story. But it is time that you all know the truth" She takes a deep breath before continuing.

" When me and My sister came this Kingdom, it wasn't even a proper Kingdom. It was a small idea that Gabriel's father had devised. At one point, the land was wild and free. And that was never suppose to change but..Gabriel's father wanted to unite each of us. We had all come from different tribes. Some of us from uncleansed tribes" She explains.

" What is an uncleansed tribe? " Raven asks as she continues to tend to Gabriel's wounds.

" An uncleansed tribe is nothing but a tribe that had lost its leader. And due to that, it accepted criminals and the like into it that had been previously exiled" and then she continues to explain.

" In the beginning. There were 20 or so major tribes that came together. Me and My sisters, One that Victoria belonged too, and another that Santara belongs to" She stares down at the floor for a second remembering the day that they first had come together.

" There was alot of hostility. Alot of them didn't want to merge. But they eventually conceeded and joined in the end. And it wasn't too Long after that, that my sister and Gabriel's father met. It was love at first site and they mated with one another almost immediatly. They were happy. I had joined the guards and had the sworn duty of protecting them directly.

Now at the time, The Underworld was a vastly different place. The Witches had relied on the Lycans for alot of things and The Vampires had a King who had a vision that the Underworld should unite together. But many of his kind, didn't share his vision. Especially after he fell in love with a young Witch. By the name of Aurora"

Shawn and Raven gasped at this.

" They fell in love just as hard as Gabriel's parents did. They both shared the same vision. They wanted the Underworld united together. Their marriage should have been the unification that they seeked. But instead, it caused a war. A war that they barely escaped from. But with the Help of me and Gabriel's parents, they avoided death.

And that was when the four bonded for the first time. And they came to an agreement. Both would have children, and God's willing, they would push them together and they would marry and unite the Kingdoms. These children would be special. One, a hybrid. Of Witch and Vampire. The other, of of the Blood Moon. A far superior warrior and the immediate Alpha of his breed.

But, as fate would have it. Shortly after birth, another war had begun developing. The Vampires wanted to strike yet again. And they did so swiftly and catastrophically. Gabriel's parents were cornered. They had to fight to Protect their newly born son. We all did. We fought so hard but they kept coming. This had weakened our forces but we did manage to hold them off. We lost so many people that day"

Lysette see's that the room tone has changed. She had held this so long but had to get this out. She had held it in so long.

" And so it was decided that Kara and Gabriel would be sent to earth, for their own safety. It was too much of risk to the plan, they had to be kept safe. I never wanted this to happen but I was outnumbered. I wasn't his mother but I knew this would be a bad idea. I knew it deep inside and I tried to warn them but Noone listened. But away they went. Both sent to earth and lost for the last 18 years"

Lysette leans foward in her chair. " I never really forgave my sister after that. We were butting heads alot at the time. Which didn't help considering the Vampires had prepared a secondary attack. But we were low on numbers and I wasn't in the palace at the time. I had stepped out after arguing with his parents and left. Just in time to Catch the Vampires coming over the walls. Where I fought. I fought and fought. But again, our numbers were severely lowered from the attack and we were swarmed" She Sighs.

" Unfortunetly, because we were fighting for our lives. We had no idea Aurora and her husband had been attacked as well. And even if we did, there was nothing we could do. They knew if they attacked us and kept us preoccupied then they could carry out their plan.and because of this, Kara's father was slaughtered by his own Kind. Under the orders of Gwen's parents who had taken the throne and also taken full advantage of the betrayal Kara's father had left them with. Eventually the smoke cleared, and the battle was over. We had saved the Kingdom. But Aurora had held a grudge. She felt deep inside of her heart that my sister and Gabriels father could have done more. She never forgave them. This complicated communication to the kingdoms. But none of us new how much resentment that Kara's mother had reserved within her.

And one night, after coming back to apologize to my sister for the fight I had caused, now realizing that Gabriel was indeed better off away from here given the pressure we were under constantly..I saw it. I saw Aurora, sliding a blade into my sisters Gabriel's father layed dead on the floor. His eyes were open, almost as though he was watching his wife die before she fell atop him. Lifeless. Cold. A mother who had saved her child with an ultimate sacrifice" Lysette begin to tear up but wiped them before they even had the chance to pour too far down.

" She killed them with absolute no remorse. She had changed from that moment. She was filled with nothing but bitterness and hate. I tried to charge her but she disspeared far before I could reach her. I was broken and I knew there was nothing I could do to fix it. But at least I was comforted knowing my nephew was safe. But I knew I wouldn't be. I had seen what happened and had to leave. I had to get the hell out of this horrible place. A council had formed immediatly after their deaths. And Young Victoria had stepped up. I was so proud of her. I still had to leave. I couldn't stay here. Where the memories of my family was killed, knowing I couldn't stop it. So I left, leaving the council in charge. I was on the run for so long. There was no way that Aurora would leave me alive. But I made sure she could never find me. Even going so far as to consult with some fellow allies I had in witches. Who kept me from being able to be tracked by Aurora. I survived" Lysette stares over at Gabriel. " But Victoria. She loved Gabriel so much. And when she died, a piece of the Kingdom and Gabriel died with her. But, coming back from death is no easy task. It is alot of time and work. There is so much sacrifice that goes into it. And Aurora had forbade said magic by that point. She hoarded of the knowledge and had it burnt the evidence. She however, left behind an imitation form of it though. One that she had used her own magic to bind. Which she made public knowledge to very few. I'm guessing Gabriel discovered it, and saw it as a solution to his problem..but by using it. He would never have Victoria returned to him. Instead, what would happen, was an illusion. A pretty shell to the eye would form. It would act as much as it could as the person but would never be perfect. But through this shell, Aurora could see everything. Meaning that everything that has happened, that Victoria saw, Aurora also saw. That is why I had the shell destroyed. Not that any of you noticed, but When Kara had bombarded the Kingdom. She had hit Victoria's Grave. Which weaked the illusion greatly. I could see through it completely for what it truly was"

Raven and Shawn could not find the words to say in response to what they had learned but Raven the one thing they did know

" Kara needs to know the truth.."