Chapter Twenty Five: The Eye

" Why not shield? " Gooblin suggest to Raven. She wiped the tears from her eyes. She assumed he was referring to making a shield to stop the blasts. However this would not be possible. " I don't have that kind of power Gooblin. The only one who could even attempt something like that would be Kara and she isn't here right now.." Raven was strong but she did not even near half the power that Kara did. Kara was born from an ancient lines of Witches, each one being stronger than the last.

Raven, whilst smart and experienced, lacked the power to be able to pull something off like that without a lot of help. And even then, she would feel drained

" I help" Gooblin offered. Raven knew that Gooblin was strong but she wasn't sure that he would be that strong. To her knowledge, there was no Witch alive that would be able to compare with Kara in this life.

" Come " Gooblin smiled as he teleported them to the giant crator with the eye symbol on the ground, energy blast raining down around them. " You know something about the eye, Gooblin? " Raven was shocked that they were here. She knew there was a lot of things about Gooblin she had yet to understand but him knowing the origin of the eye seemed like a far stretch. This little creature held many mysteries within him and Raven wasn't sure whether that was good or bad, despite him always doing his best to help.

" This help" Gooblin looked down at the eye symbol and screamed " WAKE UP SLEEPYPANTS" At the symbol, the eye, slowly began to open, shooting up a red laser colum into the sky. Blasting through the clouds above and forming a shield around the Underworld. Raven looked on in shock at everything she had just seen. How did Gooblin know about how to use the eye? How did he even know it was there? How did he wake it up just by screaming at it?

" have some explaining to do my little friend"