Bizarre News

Three figures appeared in the dark, they seemed to have spent all day in the woods observing and appreciating the beauty of Nature. It was now nighttime as they had set up their camps and lited up fires to warm up their cold bodies.

"Dad Dad, look at that falling star"

The biggest of the three switched his gaze to the dark sky and smiled.

" This is what family trips are all about," he said happily as he walked toward his son and patted his shoulder

"Enjoying beautiful sceneries with the family has to be the best thing ever, too bad Mum isn't here to enjoy this"

" It isn't her fault, she's just too busy with work" the last of the three responded

"I know that son"

" Dad, is it just me, or does the star appear to be larger?"


At that moment, foreign extremely ginormous objects suddenly appeared over the Earth's stratosphere casting domineering shadows over some parts of the world with rays of crimson red all over dyeing the sky.

The dark sky got tainted with clouds closely resembling the color of blood. The appearance of this Foreign flying object struck fear in the hearts of people and bred chaos. In a flash, The TV stations interrupted their usual programs and dropped the dreadful news.

" UFOs have been spotted over different parts of the World, We advise you to stay indoors with some level of protection"

Intelligence organizations were baffled as they received no hint of an incoming object. Just how was this possible.

Shortly after the said news, These unidentified objects made some weird movements and emitted a large flash of light. This light zoomed suddenly appearing larger over a very little expanse of time. At that moment, it felt like time stopped for those that were unfortunate to witness this as the light mercilessly engulfed all without discrimination, cities, and nations were reduced to nothing instantly. Few Nations were spared as they pose no threat and could be exploited but even they witnessed what seemed to be God's cruel judgment.

"Dad please hold us"

" Papa will always be with you" He replied hoping to soothe his terrified sons, this was his last statement as the light swallowed them whole.

Meanwhile, in the UFOs, translucent creatures with structures identical to humans were found walking about hastily, they had varying body colors that differentiate them from one another with most falling under shades of blue and green, they appeared to be quite naked with no openings. In a particular section, groups of these Aliens were shown to be exchanging information.

"Sector 6, report to the general supreme that the plan was successful"

"Roger that" Immediately, a giant hologram was displayed in the room. This hologram figure was more robust than others and had the feeling of superiority.

"My Lord" They'll bow as the leader of intelligence continued

" We eradicated Nations that were listed to have power that might give us trouble"

" We also placed protective shields over valuable areas so that they wouldn't get affected by the explosion just like you had instructed"

" I see, keep up the good work, and make sure you make good use of our newfound resources. He replied and went off

" His presence is always overwhelming as usual" the leader sighed.

" Now then, what will I make do of you pitiful humans"

"Inform our forces on the upcoming deployment, it's time to hunt"

Suddenly, high numbers of aircraft were dispersed from each giant ship. Each craft containing two pilots and three other Co-workers was given the mission to obtain specimens for future experiments. At astonishing speed, each aircraft flew in different directions.