Test part 2

" Fight!"

The bot initiated the fight as it stepped forward that it almost stunned John. Seeing that he was open, it went for a jab to his face but fortunately for John, he saw it coming and lowered his head successfully dodging the blow.

He stepped back just after and readied himself once again while the bot remained fixed in its stance.

" it's my turn," he said and moved, clenching his right fist for a blow to his adversary.


The bot blocked his punch with the shield of its arms in a X shape. Suddenly, he went for a kick to the side of Its leg which connected and threw it off balance, he launched a high kick to its head and that was it. He didn't consider the hardness of the robot and struck with his full strength and to his surprise, it actually wasn't that hard at all. He judged the bot to be as tough as a hard plastic.

He managed to make the bot lay on the ground and secured his victory.

" Ohhh, I had no doubts you would win after I saw you take that stance," Jaus said

" Let's step it up a notch," he said and went for his tab.

" Alright, it's at medium difficulty now. Just think of this as an arcade game and you'll pull through somehow"

" Now Fight!"

Just after he let out the signal, the bot sharply covered the distance between them just like it did before but unlike before, it went for John's torso as it launched its body right from its shoulder straight to his torso and threw him off his feet right to the hard floor.

" Arghhhh!" he wailed as he felt the pain from the collision and twisted in reaction. The bot got off him, clamped his arms, legs, and positioned him on its shoulder. It threw his feet up and lowered his back, sending him to the ground.

" Uarrrrggghh" he cried, he just received the famous attitude adjustment, the wrestling star John Cena's signature move.

" Should I instruct it to stop?"

" Yes Please!!"

Jaus went for his tab and immediately instructed it to stop.

" My Back!" John cried out in pain

" Easy there champ," Jaus said and walked towards him. He pulled him up and got him on his feet.

" I guess that's it then"

" Wait! let me fight again in the next fifteen minutes" he said panting.

" Ok, let's push past our limits this time around"

Fifteen minutes passed and John readied himself once more, he took on his stance once again and suddenly his expression changed. Like a soaring eagle determined the catch its prey, he locked his eyes on his opponent.

" Fight"

This time around, both moved swiftly toward each other. John went for a blow to its head however the bot weaved a bit and the blow escaped to its side leaving it unscathed. It responded with a punch of its own moving its arm for an uppercut but John had anticipated and tilted his head to the side allowing him to escape the detrimental blow. After he did this, he swiftly went behind the bot and wrapped his arms around the bot.

He lifted it with all of his might and then ... "THUMMM" he struck it to the floor.

" Ohh!" Jaus exclaimed.

" You won," he said

" Do you wish to continue?"

" Hell no, with it being that strong at medium difficulty, there's no way I'll be able to take it on at hard difficulty"

" Well then, I've gotten all I needed"

" We'll proceed with the modifications in the next one hour"

" Ahhh, I've got an hour before this feeling of powerlessness dissipates off from me," he said lightly

" Did you say something?" Jaus turned and asked.

" No No No No!"

" I see, why don't you rest a bit?. I'll be sure to call you when it's time"

" I'm off to my room then" He walked towards the door but just before he pulled, he stopped. He slowly turned and he met Jaus with a smile.

" Hmmm, what's the problem?" he asked despite being fully aware of John's situation.

" I don't know the way to my room," he said with a wry smile.

" Hahahaha" Jaus let out laughter.

" Don't worry, I'll escort you but take make sure you take note of the way. I would not help you next time" he said.

With that, the two went to John's new room, Jaus went back to his Lab while John went in and lay on his bed lost in his thoughts.