They kept their promise

 Ripples appeared on the water surface, below, the team's Scopuli had been knocked out of its course and was facing the possibility of getting swallowed by a large vicious sea beast.

 "its mouth is heading for us, it'll chop our ship in one blow" Yohr yelled.

 " Not if I do something about it." Rhunhr said and hovered her board so fast to the controls and immediately clicked on a button which drove the Scopuli back missing the Grinnais chop by an hair length.

 The Leviathan beast flipped as it missed, crashing on a large rock near it.

 " That's our cue, step on it Yor, Yohr!" Jorn'yr yelled. 

 The Mgnu twins hurriedly got to their seats and took the controls, they wheeled the ship towards the surface when an attack of sound waves struck the ship.

 Another Grinnais suddenly arrived right in front of the Scopuli, it opened its wide mouths that had innumerable teeth and released another sonic wave.