
" That's an interesting resolve". Just then, its arms morphed into a set of giant blades.

"I'll cut you to bits!"

" Come at me monster!"

THHUMMPP! It leaped raising its hands midair and flipped. Just then after seeing its movement, she leaped back and evaded its attack.

Booomm! The floor resonated as it made contact with the bare ground. Dust and debris followed clouding the entire area

" Ohhhh, very impressive. You managed to respond to my speed.

However she chose to ignore its compliment as she ran towards this monster, she tighten her fist showing her bulged-up arm.

" You're so predictable"

"I hope you'll take that back," she said and instantly she appeared right behind it leaving a mirage, the mulker slightly noticing this instinctively turn its face at her hoping to counter however it was too slow as she inclined her arm around an angle of ninety degrees and went for an uppercut right to its jaw.