Time approaches

Prior to the Mulker getting captured and transported, its partner that was with them and that had warned earlier got worried as its partner took too long. Later on, it sensed that it seemed tensed, and then "POOF!" its presence suddenly disappeared.

" Don't tell me" it was startled and confused.

" It simply can't be, our strength is unrivaled" it nervously grinned

" I'll just take a look at them" It decided to mount off and quench the fire of curiosity that was ignited within it.

Hovering above, it approached the point where it last sensed its partner. Still above for caution's sake, it focused its sight and began to scan through the area.

" I can't believe I'm getting cautious over these inferior beings" just then it scanned and pinpointed its partner location.

"What!" It said with a shocked face. its partner had a gaping hole in its chest and was dead.