A New Place

 " Are you sure about this?" Asked Fune with a grin plastered on his face.

 " I'm much stronger than when we met last, and I doubt I'll do a good job holding back against you" 

 " Tch.." with growing annoyance, Rhunhr instructed her Silguim to morphed in a long rod, one slightly taller than she was.

 " Ohh, that's what you're going with, my Close combat abilities are not terrible either. I'll entertain you" 

 Rhunhr was rather perturbed by the 180 degree change of attitude in Fune, she didn't remember him like this the last time they spared. 

 ' He probably wasn't bluffing when he said he had been practicing all year, the competitive environment must have gotten to his head' Rhunhr thought, she gripped her rod even harder and leaped towards her adversary.

Her rod went up with rather impressive speed, it sliver surface glimmered as the rays of the sunlight fell upon it.