Chapter Twenty

  Christopher literally rushed out of the shower to answer his phone. He was half-naked; He only had his towel tied below his torso.

  “This phone call should better be important, woman. I literally ran out of the bathroom to answer your call since you were calling non-stop.”

  Susan giggled on the other side. “Sorry Bro, I just wanted to know how the check-up went.”

  “Well, at first I was angry when I got to the hospital.”

  “Why?” Susan asked.

  “Vivian told me the appointment was for nine when it was for Eleven.”

  Susan chuckled before she replied. “That is so Vivian.”

  “I was really mad at her. I had to shift some of my meetings only for me to get there and spend two hours waiting.”

  “But I guess it was all worth it right?” She asked.

  “It definitely was!” Chris replied and Susan could picture her brother smiling in the process.