Chapter Forty Four

  Christopher woke up because he felt the need to use the bathroom. The space beside him was empty, Naomi was nowhere to be found.

  He made his way to the bathroom, she wasn’t there so he did his business and washed his hands.

  Without bothering to put on a shirt, he walked out of the bedroom in search of Naomi. He stopped by the kids’ room, she was not there so he decided to check the living room and kitchen.

  Christopher smiled as he leaned against the wall with his arms folded. He watched the love of his life stylishly enjoy herself at 2.15 am.

  Naomi was seated behind the kitchen counter devouring a small tub of Ice Cream. There were wrappers of chocolate bars on the counter which was evidence that she had taken a few bars of chocolate before digging into the ice cream.

  Christopher suddenly found himself fascinated by just watching her. This was a side of Naomi he had never seen.