Nathan was ridiculously relieved that the team from animal control were members of a local pack. They waited with Nathan, examining his hurt paw after they got him from the pit, until Brooke and her Aunt were well out of sight.
“What happened?” one asked producing a blanket for him to cover with before he shifted back into human form. They handed him an oversized animal control uniform to change into.
“That pit looks very fresh. Maybe days old,” another observed
The paw he hurt correlated to his left hand. A team member examined it closely before determining that it was, “Probably just a sprain. But we’ll get you to urgent care for an exam.”
“No, I need to get back to the garage and talk to Marcus. We have to alert the other packs that there may be a new threat here.”
He’d called ahead, and by the time he’d gotten to the garage, Cole was there waiting as well.