It had been several weeks since Brooke had spoken with Nathan on the phone. However, she didn’t remember his voice being so bold and deep. The smooth southern cadence was still there but added to it was a masculine vibration that made her feel almost spell bound. As she listened to it, her heart rate increased and her breathing became shallow. She felt an immediate primal pull in her core that catapulted her into a heightened sense of alertness.
She could feel the pull of her skin as it tightened into goosebumps. She could fully smell the fragrance of the shampoo she’d used in her hair early that morning. She could sense the rushing of air over her car as she drove. His smooth voice seemed to seep from the speakers on the car into her flesh and become one with her. She barely registered him telling her to call once she’d gotten to a hotel and checked in. But it was nearly two hours later, and she hadn’t pulled over for the rest she felt she desperately needed before he called.