
When I finally stirred and managed to open my eyes, I wasn’t sure if I actually did so because wherever I was it was so dark. Was I dead? I wondered, and then slowly the memory of what happened came back to me like flashing images… the roof, the vampire Ivan, the nightguard, Ivan pushing me off the building and then falling…

“Oh no,” I said and I straightened up, but my entire body ached like it never had before. If I was dead and this is what death was, then no wonder all the people were afraid of dying.

But somehow, I knew I wasn’t dead. Just badly maimed or injured… and no idea where I was, but I knew one thing. This wasn’t a hospital.

I started feeling for my surroundings, but I couldn’t get ahold of anything like a switch or a button, so I started to freak out, but then I touched something soft next to where the nightstand would be, and I realized it was bread.