
I thought that I was going to burst into flames as soon as I set foot outside, but I didn’t. Whatever Nevena did, I knew it must’ve been more than just a simple residue Magic from the Charovny Razsyp. We ran into the woods.

The situation was much worse than Nevena had realized, even though I knew that she already suspected that it was pretty bad.

The saber that Katarina brought and the one that I was currently holding in my other hand was laced with belladonna. If I was human, it’s poison would’ve drove me insane and killed me. But because I was vampire, didn’t mean that I was less immune to it. It wasn’t going to kill me, but it impaired my Magic and slowed me down. It also made me bleed out a lot, and even though I patched my cut, I knew it was going to open up soon unless I rested.