Uncle Checks In

The walk home was a blur as I allowed my imagination to run away with itself. I asked myself repeatedly why someone like that would show any interest in someone like me. After unlocking the door to make my way inside, I pulled a lock of bland brown hair to my nose in order to give it a good sniff. They must have a fantastic sense of smell to have noticed the honey.

I knew Juno wouldn’t be coming home tonight, she had already laid out her battle plans very clearly. With that in mind, I quickly shed the uncomfortable, ill fitting dress only a few feet inside the door. I lazily strolled into my room to seek out some comfortable pajamas in which to study.

Once I was fully equipped with soft shorts, fuzzy socks, and a loose fitting tank, it was time to study. Paying my own way through med school meant taking as many part time jobs as I could handle, so it was important to keep up with my schoolwork any chance I had. I did a big stretch, then placed myself at my desk to crack open a book.

Every anatomical chart reminded me of Hikaru. I ran my finger along the muscular system and imagined what it would feel like to touch them, but quickly recoiled. There was something off about them to be able to… transform like that. I had a hard time telling if I was physically attracted or intellectually curious.

I nearly fell out of my chair, startled when my cell phone started ringing. The screen display let me know it was Uncle. I took a deep breath to focus, then answered with a polite, “Good evening, Uncle.”

He let out a gruff exhale before saying, “Good? How is it good? Have you been slacking off again?”

I shook my head instinctively. “No, Uncle, I’ve been working very hard. I’m studying right now.”

“I hear something. You have boys over?” I knew he didn’t hear anything, there was nothing to hear.

“No, Uncle, no one is here. Juno is out with a friend, and I’m studying alone. It’s nice and quiet so that I can focus.”

“Good, you be nice to that girl. Her parents are very important, she is going to rise quickly after graduation. Having powerful friends will help the clinic.” His only concerns lately have been having me take over the clinic so he can retire. It is something we’ve discussed at length for years before I even went to college.

“I’m going to be nice to her because she’s my friend, not because her parents are important,” I said matter-of-factly. “And the clinic wouldn’t be affected anyway, it’s the only one for miles. It isn’t like you have to compete for patronage.”

“You have no idea how hard it is to do this by myself!” He yelled in a rough tone. He sounded tired or drunk. He wasn’t alone, he had teams of nurses and support staff that kept things running smoothly every single day. “I should have let you live on the street with how disrespectful you are to me.”

“I’m sorry, Uncle. I didn’t mean it,” I said quietly. “I’m really grateful to you for everything you’ve done for me. I’m working hard to make sure I can keep my promise. This is my last year, then I can be of more help to you.”

“You’d better. Ever since your good for nothing mother took my brother from me, I’m the only family you have left. Don’t get distracted. You owe me at least that much.” He sounded angrier than usual. Must have been a rough day at the clinic, those usually made him cranky.

“I promise, Uncle. I lov-” I heard him end the phone call and cut myself off with a long sigh. When I put my phone back on the desk, I caught a glimpse of the muscular chart I was accidentally pining over. Squinting my eyes at it, I muttered to myself, “What are you?” before closing the book.

I stood up with another giant stretch. Maybe a nice walk would clear my head. Just a couple blocks, fifteen minutes max. That would still give me several hours of study time before bed. I grabbed my hoodie, shoes, and keys to head out the front.

Once I was outside on the sidewalk, I took a moment to close my eyes and give another stretch. I breathed in the crisp evening air and reminded myself that things are going really well. One more year, no distractions. I have a solid plan and a family member who cares. I have a fantastic best friend who is always there for me. I was thriving.

I opened my eyes, blinking a few times to look up at my window. This apartment was way nicer than Uncle’s house. Juno insisted on taking care of the bills since her family was paying for her education and expenses. I often wondered how I’ll be able to pay her back for her kindness.

When I turned around to begin my walk, I was frozen in place by a startling sight. In the blink of an eye, I could see a dark cargo van with the side door wide open and a large figure shoving a bag over my head. Before I had time to react, I felt the figure drag me into the van while insisting in a deep, manly voice “Scream and you’re dead.”

Once I was flopped into the empty van, I heard the door slam closed and felt the forward thrust of driving forward.