The House Party

“Come here, let me get a look at you,” Juno said and gently turned me to face her. “You look gorgeous, seriously.”

“I don’t feel gorgeous.” I said and tugged the bottom hem of my dress as though that simple motion would fill it out. “I feel like I’m ignoring my homework for another round of small talk with some bonehead who won’t even talk to me on campus.”

To be fair, I don't talk to him either. I'm only here to finish my med studies, so I can take over the clinic for Uncle. He was kind enough to raise me when my parents died, so the least I could do is help him retire. Dating would only be a distraction, and letting him down wasn't an option.

“Okay, his name is Kevin. And he isn’t a bonehead, he’s a med student just like you.” Juno flashed me a loving, but judgmental smile that only made sense from your best friend. “This is your last year of school, Gabs. And you still haven’t been on one date. You know I love you and support your wishes, but you need to get ready for that hot doctor life before it sneaks up on you.” She linked her arm with mine and led me toward the house party.

“I’ll try. I know I need to put myself out there. I just haven’t found anyone worth it yet, you know?” While walking toward the house, I was hyper focused on the length of my dress. “I just don’t understand why it’s necessary to pretend to be something I’m not.”

She laughed. “Well, that part is obvious. We’re hunters. They’re our prey. And that dress…” She motioned at my body, as though there were curves to point out. “... is a weapon. Maybe next time you’ll let me do your makeup.”

As we entered, I was hit with a wave of anxiety. Between the thumping of the music, the uncomfortable heat, and the smell of sweat and alcohol, I was prepared to make a hasty retreat. Feeling my discomfort, Juno’s arm wrapped more tightly around mine. “Kyle said he’d be near the kitchen with Kevin, let’s at least say hi.”

I nodded, but said nothing. She led me through the crowded house, squeezing past dancing bodies until we got to the kitchen in the back. When she spotted her current conquest, she unwrapped herself from me and flung her arms up in the air to greet him excitedly. The whole affair felt fake, there’s no way she was that excited to see him. I did my best to follow along behind her, flashing his friend Kevin what I felt to be my most sincere smile.

“Oh, it’s you.” He said, looking down at me with a confident smile. He turned to his friend and nodded . “Yeah, I’ve seen her around before. I think we had a couple of classes together, but who remembers class amiright?” He laughed and finished the beer remaining in his clear plastic cup. “I’m Kevin.”

“I know.” I blurted out. “I mean, we have a couple classes together this term. And I see you in the labs sometimes. I’m Gabriella.” I extended a hand as I would any of my professional peers. Instead of shaking my hand as expected, he grasped it and pulled me closer.

“Gaa… bri… el… la.” He said my name slowly, sounding out each syllable to an uncomfortable length. “Exotic. I like that.” He stared down at my body unapologetically.

“Her friends call her Gabby.” Juno blurted out, still hanging on Kyle. I had to admire her for going after what she wanted at least. She had only known him for a week and decided tonight was the night she was going home with him.

“Gabby! Wait, yeah, I do know you.” I pursed my lips in frustration, having already established that we knew each other. “You’re the one always asking questions in class. You talk more to the professors than you do other students, so we always just assumed you were lame.”

I wondered if he understood that asking questions is how you learn things.

Juno noticed my eyes narrowing and unwrapped herself from Kyle to exclaim, “Let’s take shots!” The guys let out an over enthusiastic cheer and started pumping their fists in the air chanting the word shots over and over. I let out a long sigh, and Juno continued. “You guys get the shots, and we’ll meet you in the blue room for some dancing, yeah?” She linked arms with me and shuffled me out of the kitchen.

“I have a paper due, I can’t do shots.” I said directly into her ear, trying to be heard over the invasive music. Juno nodded and pretended not to hear me. She flashed me a huge smile and started dancing to the music. I did my best to wiggle to the beat, knowing that I will always look like a troll when standing next to someone as stunning as her.

The guys stepped in behind us, each holding two shots of a brown liquid. It astounded me that she hasn’t been drugged yet, allowing men to bring her drinks that she hadn’t seen being poured.

After they coupled off, Kevin came up behind me and wrapped a muscular arm around my waist. Surprised at the gesture, I froze and looked over my shoulder at him. He lifts one of the shots up toward my lips in an offering. I squeezed my lips closed and shook my head no.

He pulled me tightly against him and leaned his face down toward my ear. “Don’t be so uptight. I’m only being nice to you as a favor to Kyle. Why can’t you just be a good girl?” He inched the shot toward my lips which were still pressed closed.

I batted the shot out of his hand, sending the tiny plastic cup flying into a nearby wall. A couple of people booed at me for committing a party foul, and Kevin gave me a subtle shove away from him. “Whatever,” he said, looking down at me in disgust. “See you in class, Blabby.”

I nervously looked around the room, but couldn't find Juno. In a rush to leave, I found myself exiting through the back door to the nearly empty backyard. I took the opportunity to lean against the tall wooden fence to find solace against the noise and smells inside. I took a deep breath and looked up at the moon.

After calming myself enough to attempt an actual escape, I slapped my cheeks to psych myself up. Just as I was about to make my way toward the door, the most beautiful person I’d ever seen emerged and in what felt like show motion made their way in my direction.