The Choice

“Because of your wolfless kin lineage, I’m going to be generous and offer you a choice. I’m nothing if not fair after all.” The blonde man let go of Hikaru’s hair, causing their head to flop back down. “You may join the pack as this pathetic omega’s bonded mate on the understanding that you will be monitored to avoid any other security issues. If you choose this path, you will take a vow of secrecy under threat of death.”

My mind raced with questions, but finding the courage to push them out of my mouth seemed impossible. This couldn't really be happening. There was no way my mother was some rebel wolf cousin or whatever he was saying. Was this what it feels like to have a psychotic break?

The well dressed blonde man moved in my direction offering me a hand as though he wanted me to stand. I cleared my throat and asked, “And what is the other option? You said I have a choice?” I awkwardly pushed myself up to a standing position while keeping my feet planted in place.

The blonde man smiles. “Hikaru will be put to death immediately for betraying the pack. After bearing witness to their execution, you’ll be taken to the Alpha’s bunker where he will decide your fate.” He leaned in closer to me and whispered “He’s not known for taking well to outsiders who know our secrets. You might be made a slave or killed on the spot depending on his mood.”

I took a deep breath and tried to calm my body down. My hands were sweaty and couldn’t stop shaking so I tucked them into the sleeves of my hoodie hoping they wouldn’t notice my fear. I had no idea what a bonded mate meant to these people, but it sounded like that was the only choice that meant going home. “I’ll join the pack,” I stated with as much confidence as I could muster.

The blonde man let out a hearty laugh and moved toward Hikaru. “Of course you will.” He produced a tiny key from his pocket and began to unchain Hikaru. “Sammy, run and tell the shaman our happy couple are on their way. We’ll be close behind.”

The skinny red head nodded and sprinted off into the darkness. After Hikaru was unchained, they slowly forced themselves upright. Their posture was pained and their movements slow. They kept their eyes fixed to the ground, which was quite a contrast from the elegant confidence they’d shown earlier that night.

The blonde man motioned for me to walk beside him, and I quickly complied. “My name is Sebastian. I’m the beta of this pack, the second in command.” He walked between Hikaru and myself. “So no one ever told you that your mother went rogue, what a shame. I just a teen when she fled, but it isn’t often that someone successfully escapes their werewolf pack, so she had quite the reputation.”

Things started clicking into place. When I saw Hikaru start to change, I had no idea what was happening. But those teeth and nails, they must have really been on the verge of losing control. “Wait, so my mom was a werewolf?” I asked, still confused. If I was a werewolf, wouldn’t I know it by this point?

“Your mother was born to a line of werewolves but was not blessed with the wolf herself,” Sebastian said. “If she had stayed with the pack and mated with someone who possessed the wolf, she could have easily bore an offspring with the blessing. But instead she chose to go rogue and breed with some human nobody.”

We approached another fire outside a shack that was adorned with dried herbs and other various flora. Sebastian continued to speak while leading us toward an elderly woman who was trickling a liquid of some sort along the ground in a very intentional pattern. “With any luck, the two of you will successfully bring several new pups into the pack. Our shaman Fatima will perform the ceremony.”

Hikaru and I were led to stand where she had poured patterns in the dirt, facing each other. Hikaru lifted their head delicately, and their eyes met mine. Their swollen lips silently mouthed the words ‘I’m so sorry’ as the woman began to chant in a language I didn’t understand.

The woman bound our hands together with a rough twine and continued speaking in whatever language she was using. When she went quiet, Sebastian approached and used a knife to cut his thumb. He trickled a few drops of blood on the twine that held us together before solemnly placing a bloody thumbprint on each of our foreheads. I made a mental note to get a series of tests done the next time I was in the lab, just in case.

When Sebastian stepped back from the two of us, I could hear howling from the other side of the fire. The woman untied our hands and Hikaru weakly stretched their lengthy limbs in discomfort. Terrified and unsure of what to do next, I stared at Hikaru hoping for answers.

Sebastian was the first to speak. “The alpha sends his apologies. Generally he performs the anointing, but wasn’t available on such short notice. You’ll be introduced soon enough.” He gave Hikaru’s weakened back a couple of hard slaps. “Our little problem child is going to make us all quite proud, yes?”

Hikaru gave a weak nod and stared back down at the ground. “Sir,” he said quietly. “May I take my mate home now? She has had a rough evening and could use the rest.” It astounded me to hear them describe my evening as rough when they were the one who was bound and beaten.

Sebastian nodded and motioned toward the dark path. “You are both free to go. Of course, I will be keeping a close eye on you to ensure the security of the pack. I’m sure it goes without saying that any breach of secrecy will result in your immediate execution.” He flashed me a toothy grin. “You lovebirds have fun.”

Hikaru quickly placed a tender arm around my waist and led me down a dark path away from the shack. My mind started racing as I processed everything. Werewolves existed. My mother was somehow related to them. And I just got married? I felt suddenly nauseous and stopped walking, placing a fist over my mouth.

Hikaru quietly spoke. “We should keep moving. My truck is just up ahead. I want to make sure you get out of here safely.” Their voice was weak and sad. I took a deep breath and kept walking with them until we reached the truck.

After we climbed inside, they quickly turned the key and sped off. We rode in awkward silence for miles. I glanced over a few times, but their eyes remained firmly planted on the road ahead. Once we were back on the pavement, my heart rate returned to normal as the panic started to subside.

I turned to them and abruptly asked, “So are we married?”