A Lesson in Manners

I opened the door wide, giving the terrifying man plenty of space to enter. He walked in with a confident stride, like he owned the place. On his way past me, he sniffed in my direction, stating “Oh, good. You’re finally taking your place as a proper mate. I wish I would have known, I could have brought champagne.” He laughed and moved to make himself comfortable on the couch.

I kept my distance and remained standing, watching him make himself at home. He grinned up at me from the couch and asked, “So how’s the happy couple doing? I would love to congratulate Hikaru in person if they’re around.”

I squinted in his direction, unsure if he was messing with me. Did he know Hikaru was digging around for information about him? I had to think of something to say. “They went to the store.”

Sebastian let out a low chuckle, shaking his head. “That’s one thing I like about you, Gabby. You’re a horrible liar. It’s as refreshing as it is frustrating. Now where are they really?”