Ben Wake
Out at the cabin, I find myself missing my warm days more and more. I was born and raised in upstate New York, up in the mountains. The Adirondacks are not as grand as the Rockies when seen from a distance, but up close both places are very similar. In the woods you can walk all day and not find as much as ten square feet of level ground. The trees are tough old things. Only the strong ones thrive on the thin soil of the slopes, the brutal, bitter cold winters.
Walking through the woods in the early morning was always one of my most precious simple joys in those days. The sunlight in the morning was brighter in some ways than at sunset. It always felt fresher, more filled with hope and promise. I miss looking forward to the dawn, to greeting the light, always optimistic that I was standing on the cusp of a good day. I can bundle up and wear dark glasses to go out and watch the first rays of light break over the mountains, but it's not the same as feeling it on my skin.