Change of plans

"High Priest, your apprentice is... is..."

"He's a genius! He mastered everything we knew in just a few days!" One of the old men completed the sentence for the other. Julius was speaking with the three men he considered his friends. "Can you believe he even proposed new ideas? He suggested a new number with no value at all!"

"I'm glad you all got along so well with him." Julius was beaming with pride.

"He mentioned he's going on an expedition to the south, but I think that's a waste of his talents. He should stay here and help us with our mathematical discoveries," one of the men said directly to Julius, with the other two nodding in agreement.

"He truly is a genius, and I'm grateful to have met him so I can help shape his future. But there are pressing matters that cannot be postponed."

"But what could be more important than studying with us? What if something happens to him during the journey?"

"Don't worry, my friend, he won't be alone on this journey."

"Still, Julius, we've known each other for so long. Could we at least try to change his mind?"

"Fine." Julius relented, though he was certain Rafael would go, so he accepted without much thought. "Excellent! Fradgar, could you fetch Cleric Robert and bring him here?"

"Of course." One of the old men stood up and left. They were in the cleric's chambers inside the mansion. After some time, Rafael arrived and greeted everyone.

"Please, sit, my apprentice. We've called you here because my friends wish to take you on as an equal partner in our quest for mathematical knowledge."

"No, no, Julius. Not as an apprentice but as an equal! We want you to join us in exploring all the knowledge in mathematics!"

"Yes, you are truly exceptional! I've never seen anyone with such talent. We know you're set to travel south in a few days, but please, consider staying with us to aid our research."

Rafael sat beside Julius and listened to their pleas. Hmm, I have two options. First, go and try to retrieve my book, but the risk of recognition and trouble is high. Even if that doesn't happen, sneaking past guards and reaching the time machine will be difficult.

The second option is to stay here with these scholars, slowly introduce new ideas, perhaps even write a book on mathematics. I could also work on other inventions.

Seeing no immediate response from Rafael, one of the men spoke, "So? Cleric Robert, I'm particularly excited about this new concept of zero. It could revolutionize our understanding of mathematics. You have a unique gift for numbers, so please, accept our offer and help us uncover new insights."

I really doubt the time machine will be moved or opened anytime soon. Maybe they'll build a structure around it. No rush.

"I accept. I'll stay here and work on research with all of you." This surprised everyone.

"Splendid! Cleric Robert, thank you for agreeing!"

"Robert... I thought you wanted to go," Julius said, eyeing his apprentice.

"I'm sorry, High Priest, but I believe I'll be more helpful here. There are projects like cement, the printing press, and distillation that still need attention."

"But what about the relic? That's a more pressing concern. We can't let the evil prevail." The three mathematicians exchanged confused glances.

"High Priest, believe me when I say I understand the gravity of the situation. I know we can't leave it unaddressed for too long, but I have a mission from our Lord, and I must fulfill it. Please understand, I cannot go against His will."

Julius appeared disappointed but eventually agreed. "My friends, I need to speak with my apprentice privately. *cough* It was good seeing you all." Julius then took Rafael back to their room at the church.

"Robert, don't you see the threat we are facing? A relic from hell has appeared in our kingdom! We cannot remain idle!"

Oh my God, I thought you had accepted my decision. I feel a headache coming on. Rafael sat on his bed, trying to calm his thoughts.

"High Priest, I understand, but I feel that my purpose lies here. I have this sense that my role is to complete the tasks I've been given."

Julius paced the small room, one hand on his back, the other on his forehead.

After a few moments, he stopped and took a deep breath. "Forgive me, Father. I went against Your will." He prayed softly.

"Alright. You can stay and fulfill Your commands. You were scheduled to depart tomorrow morning, but now you don't have to. I'll go in your place."

"What? Wait, sir, you're in no condition to travel. Look at your health. Besides, Calistoga needs you, the High Priest, to lead the church and everyone here."

"Don't worry, Robert. I'll be away for only two weeks. It's not *cough cough* too long, and the priests can manage until I return."

If something happens to him... Goddammit, why can't you just name me High Priest?

"Are you sure, sir? We could send someone else. What about a priest? Or perhaps Aaran? You know he'd handle the task well."

"Hahaha... *cough* My decision is final. I will travel to that village and deal with the relic. Now, go get some of that soup you always bring me. I'm starving." The sun was high in the sky, and people paused for lunch before resuming their daily routines. Rafael took two plates of soup from the mansion's kitchen, leaving one for Julius.