Chapter 112: He is a Cruel Person; the Effects of the Bitter Plan are not bad.

Why didn't Gu Changge avoid it?

What is he thinking about, paying back with the sword, is it to pay the bone-digging vengeance back then?

Yue Mingkong was in a daze, and she didn't know what to do at this moment.

Seeing the sword cut Gu Changge, she was stunned, and then she couldn't help but feel her heart tighten as if it was being held by something.

She really hates Gu Changge for his indifference and ruthlessness, but she still couldn't bear to see this scene.

Normal people can never bear this kind of pain.

But Gu Changge's expression was extremely calm, and he didn't even frown.


Yue Mingkong's heart was messed up because of this sword. She sighed, couldn't bear to look anymore, and turned her head away.

This is the grudge between Gu Changge and Gu Xian'er. She can't intervene, nor is she qualified to intervene.

"Gu Changge, what are you thinking? In this life, I can't see through you more and more. Did you really change your mind and want to make up for it, or do you have another plan...?"

"But why did he know that Gu Xian'er would suddenly stop? In case he guessed wrong, this Sword Technique would've taken his life, is he betting his life?"

"It's just simply repaying the hatred of bone-digging, why are you going so far...?"

Yue Mingkong held the skirt sleeves in her hands, her picturesque fairy face looked a little sad, and the usual indifference and majesty had already disappeared.

She felt that she needed to be calm and composed, and think about recent events.


"This cruel man..."

In the void, the Elders looked at all of this, their brows twitched, they couldn't help but breathe in the air, and looked at Gu Changge's eyes with horror and disbelief.

They knew in their hearts that they could never be this cruel, Gu Changge didn't avoid it at all, and took the sword directly.

If it weren't for Gu Xian'er to withdraw a lot of Magic Energy at the critical time, and this sword struck, even the top of the Supreme Peak would've been cut in half.

"Gu Changge, this Old Man still underestimated you."

In the void, the Great Elder who was watching all this sighed.

Although he doesn't have a good impression of Gu Changge, he has to say that he still admires Gu Changge a little bit.

In terms of methods and other aspects, this is definitely a person who will make it to the top, and he still didn't know how far he can go in the future.

Looking at the younger generation, there is indeed no one who can match him.

Even he can't see through him!

[In front of the Supreme Peak Palace]

"Gu Changge, you..."

Gu Xian'er was completely stunned, her eyes widened, she couldn't believe it. Obviously, Gu Changge could have avoid it, and she had already withdrawn a lot of Magic Power.

But why didn't he hide…

Why didn't he resist?

Also, he said that he would let this sword help as her payback?

If she hadn't withdrawn a lot of Magic Power from her Sword Technique just now, wouldn't he already be talking with Yama right now?

Why? What is the reason for all this? this his purpose?

Her head was in a mess.

Gu Changge's calm eyes made Gu Xian'er panic and she couldn't calm down at all.

He can yell at her, glare at her, scold her for being despicable and shameless, and take advantage of the chaos just now.

But Gu Changge said nothing and did nothing.

This made Gu Xian'er more uneasy as if she had done something wrong.

Didn't she almost kill Gu Changge by mistake just now?

Now Gu Xian'er's head was full of buzzing sounds, and she was stunned.

So much that she didn't even notice when Gu Changge pulled out the sword from his body and left without a word.

Gu Xian'er suddenly lost her soul, and her frosty little face was extremely dazed.

Yue Mingkong sighed when she saw this, and she would've felt relieved if this was in the past.

But what happened today actually made her very upset. She had never expected it, and she couldn't figure it out at all.


When he returned to the Palace, the calm expression on Gu Changge's face disappeared.

The terrible pain made him frown slightly, and various thoughts flashed in his mind.

Finally, he showed a strange smile.

Everything he has done just now, was naturally that he wanted to play a bitter game. After all, if he wants Gu Xian'er to fully believe in him, it is absolutely necessary to confront this Sword Technique head-front.

Otherwise, relying on his means, it is actually very simple to come out of this unscathed.

No matter how strong Gu Xian'er's talent and weapons are, she is right now no more than a small cultivator of the Conferred Lord Realm.

Not to mention that she was soft-hearted just now. She was facing her biggest enemy, yet she was still soft-hearted and withdraw most of the Qi from her strike.

However, this was also expected by Gu Changge, otherwise, he wouldn't be joking about his own life.

Seeing this, Gu Changge already guessed why Yue Mingkong would go to Gu Xian'er.

Presumably, in the timeline she experienced, Gu Xian'er had a tragic ending. Even if they both are protagonists, it is estimated that neither of them has ever fought his demonic body.

This kind of character can't make any waves.

"She's a stupid little girl."

"How can you escape the palm of my hand like this." Then Gu Changge shook his head and scanned his injuries.

At the wound, the gushing blood had stopped.

He has a very strong physique, and after such a while, the wound has already begun to heal.

The Black Broadsword had a strange aura that can destroy vitality, but under Gu Changge's Immortal Devouring Technique, this aura is quickly swallowed by the Black Dao Rune that appears, and it can't affect him.

With this injury, it won't take long for him to be as good as new.

It's just that Gu Changge didn't rush to do so.


With his Dark Magic Power, the wound that had healed opened again, and blood dripped out again, and it looked more terrifying.

Making it look as if there is a layer of weird power blocking the healing process.

Gu Changge nodded in satisfaction.

Since it was a bitter strategy, it was natural for him to do this, but the good opportunity Gu Xian'er provided him shouldn't be wasted.

He glanced at the horrible scar on his body, and almost ran across it under the knife just now, cracks appeared in many bones.

Of course, the Dao Bones are not so fragile. Although the Black Broadsword is very strange, it is still not so powerful in Gu Xian'er's hand.

This was just Gu Changge's superficial cover-up. Soon, a Dark Rune flickered on the Dao Bones, and the cracks quickly healed and disappeared.

After all, he still has other purposes for this Dao Bone, and he is still waiting for Gu Xian'er to dig it out with her own hands.

He kept this trick, especially for Gu Xian'er.

Many Supernatural and Innate Powers in the Dao Bones have long been imprinted in his Devil Heart and have no more use.

For Gu Changge it is the same with or without this bone.

But thinking about this, Gu Changge felt that although the sword strike was painful, it was still worth it.

Thanks to his strong willpower, plus the strong and unbreakable spirit, he didn't reveal a trace of flaws.

Afterward, Gu Changge noticed the sound of footsteps coming from outside the hall, and his expression moved slightly.

It was Yue Mingkong who sent Gu Xian'er away and then came back.

"Are you alright?"

Yue Mingkong asked with a complicated expression, and at the same, there was a trace of concern, and not as cold as usual.

Seeing Gu Changge's terrible injury, she still couldn't help but feel softened, and her tone eased a lot.

By living in Supreme Peak these days, they are with each other day and night.

But the relationship between the two has not eased in the slightest.

She didn't have a good impression of Gu Changge, the two of them had already revealed their true faces, and there was no need for a sham.

Gu Changge had many things to deal with, and he couldn't be bothered to care about her.

However, Yan Ji appeared from time to time, both as a maid and a follower. She was in charge of Gu Changge's daily life. Yue Mingkong was very unaccustomed, uncomfortable, and angry enough to split her in half.

However, Yan Ji is very powerful. Although she looks very young, she actually has the Cultivation Base of the Great Sacred Realm.

This makes Yue Mingkong helpless.

Even when she was with Gu Changge, he ignored her. Some time ago, she thought he had changed sexual preferrences, but he turned out to be good to the rest of the women?

What is this?

If she hadn't achieved this state of mind through cultivation, her previous life experience made her even more aware that there is no need to fight for this kind of thing, otherwise, she would definitely not be able to help but fight with Yan Ji.

But today, Gu Changge's actions left Yue Mingkong momentarily stunned, puzzled, confused, and at a loss.

Many of the things she experienced in her previous life have reappeared in this life, but an accident happened to Gu Changge.

Does that mean Gu Changge is actually a variable?

Can she try to change Gu Changge and try to never let the tragedy that happened in her previous life repeat?

Yue Mingkong felt it was necessary to give it a try. She knew Gu Changge very well, but in fact she never really understood him.

What has he experienced in this lifetime that is different from before?

Why is it that in the face of this kind of pain that most people would've already passed out in pain, but his face not only didn't change color, but it is so calm that it can make people flustered?

People filled with hatred are naturally pitiful. Perhaps Gu Changge has been hiding secrets that she never knew.

"Not bad. Mingkong, you actually do care about your husband, your husband is a bit flattered."

Gu Changge glanced at Yue Mingkong and said with a casual smile.

With that said, in the midst of healing himself with his vitality, he began to look for the Divine Medicine Pill, as if he wanted to relieve his injuries.

The expression is indifferent and calm. If you don't look at the injury on his body, nothing would feel wrong, but with this horrible injury, the bones are clearly visible, and it looks particularly awkward and shocking.

Yue Mingkong did not expect that Gu Changge was still teasing her at this time, and couldn't help being silent, and then said lightly, "Xian'er's sword contains Chaos Law, and it is generally useless to heal Medicine Pill.

Chaos Law can destroy vitality and prevent wounds from healing. Even a physique with strong vitality will suffer from this torture.

"Really? I was just thinking about why it is so difficult to heal."

Hearing that, Gu Changge looked a little surprised, but he still didn't seem to care much.


Then, Purple Rays of Light began to spray thinly on his body, and the Rays of Sunlight were intertwined, then his blood turned into a terrifying real dragon, making a rumbling sound.

Such a powerful and terrifying Qi and Blood looking like it can cover everything in Heaven and Earth.

Yue Mingkong also had to admit that Gu Changge's strength was really outrageous. This power of Vitality was the result of hiding his hole cards, which were so vast.

But soon. Gu Changge frowned,

The strands of Purple Ray of Light fell down, trying to repair his injury, but when they came in contact, they broke directly.

"It's really weird. These injuries will be hard to heal for a while." He sighed slightly, seemingly helpless.

At this time, a burst of elegant medical incense came.

"Don't bother, first force the Chaos Qi out, otherwise the wound will never heal." Yue Mingkong shook her head slightly and walked over.

She looked indifferent and had a little bit of hidden distress. Then she took out an embroidered handkerchief and carefully wiped the blood around the wound for Gu Changge.

"Since when did Mingkong start to care so much for her husband?"

Gu Changge couldn't help laughing, as if a little surprised Yue Mingkong would do this.

Yue Mingkong's expression was very cold, and she said casually, "When? It's just that you have never felt it before."

At this time, Gu Changge also seemed to be a little stunned, and then sighed faintly, without saying anything.

Yue Mingkong caught this emotional change all at once.

She frowned.

"Gu Changge, why are you sighing?"

"It's nothing."

Gu Changge smiled casually, "After all, I am a heartless person. It is normal that I can't feel it."

It sounded strange, but before that, he really didn't have a normal heart.

There is nothing wrong with saying that.

Anyway, all the blame was thrown to the Devil's Heart.

This is a solution that Gu Changge has long thought of.

Devil's Heart is his biggest secret besides the Immortal Devouring Demonic Arts, and it seems that Yue Mingkong never knew about it in her previous life.

It seems that…I have to create a chance for her to "accidentally" discover this secret.

Gu Changge's expression remained unchanged, and many thoughts flashed in his mind.

"No heart... yeah, your heart is made of iron and stone."

It seemed normal, but Yue Mingkong felt an unspeakable emotion from it.

She was silent for a while, recalling many things in her previous life, she couldn't help but sigh faintly, which contained indescribable meanings...